Saturday, March 5, 2016


I'm Baptist.  Baptist typically don't give up anything for Lent, but I usually try to, and this year I have been successful with my attempt.  I went for two things this year.  I gave up fast food.  No, I'm not addicted to fast food, but it's convenient.  Sometimes it's too easy to whip my car in that drive-thru and order a COMBO!!!!!  Yes, I don't settle for just a sandwich, I need fries and my unsweetened tea!  So I gave up fast food.  It has posed some challenges when I have the kids in the car and it's meal time.  Secondly, and by far the hardest to let go of was: Chocolate!  Gasp.... I know!!!!!!!  I honestly, without a doubt, put some form of chocolate in my mouth every single day.  I am dying here, people!!!!!!!  My objective behind giving up the two was: when I think about either I will pray.  I have been praying a lot more than normal too, might I add!!!!

When my 40 days, which I promise feels like 100, is up... I will probably eat this entire bag.  I had these little jessies on the plane ride to Seattle last August, and they were delicious.  I saw this bag at Walgreens yesterday (the devil was tempting me) so I bought them.  They shall stay sealed up in my pantry until my time is up!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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