Saturday, January 30, 2016

On the charter bus

Ohhh y'all, how did my life get so busy?  I often wonder when I'm supposed to get stuff done.  It's hard, and I don't even work outside of the home.  I always have one or three kids with me.  They are needy, clingy, and talkative little people.  I don't get time to myself unless I'm asleep.  Many times that is interrupted by Bitty falling out of the bed or Annie crying.   Despite my full plate, I still find time to take pictures of the little people who make life so crazy.

Wannie eating a squeeze apple sauce and making a mess!!!!  Yes,, she loves life more than anyone I know.  She's guaranteed to put a smile on your face!
The child hates covers!
Yeah, it's that time of year again.  Fancy is back at the capitol making decisions with the other Reps.  He got his 15 minutes of fame last week when he was in the Clarion Ledger.  
Tuesday some of the legislators were chauffeured on a charter bus from Jackson to Oxford to see Ole Miss playing basketball at the new Pavilion.  Trey invited Ford, and he JUMPED on the chance to tag along.
About 10 minutes after I dropped him off to catch the bus in Batesville Ford called me.  He was thrilled to tell me: A- The charter bus had a bathroom on it.  B- You didn't have to flush or put the seat down.  (I beg to differ on the flushing part).  And C- that they had popcorn and cheetos.  I immediately asked to speak to his daddy and said, "DO NOT give him Coke under any circumstances."  Caffeine could be bad!
Needless to say, Ford had a wonderful time and can't wait to go back!
Dad has been staying with us some during the week.  Last week I signed him up to babysit while I got my hair highlighted.  When I got ready to leave he was snoozing in the chair.  I sure hope he watched the littles while I was gone!
I don't see any no leg touch days in her future.  Those thighs will be rubbing together for years to come!
Bitty is a bean pole!
Annie is still fighting the ears.  The ears.  THE EARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel so sorry for her.  Breaks my heart.   We NEED tubes!
Every morning she rises with the roosters when momma does... 5:20-5:30 AM.  We then spend "girl time" in the bathroom getting dressed!
Thank God for beautiful days and playing outside.
No words
We went to a birthday party this afternoon and did a little photo shooting... 
That's Bitty in the middle.  He would make a pretty girl!
I don't know if I've ever mentioned that I teach Sunday School to 11-12th grade girls.  Recently, I decided that we needed to start memorizing scripture that went along with our lessons.  What better way than to write it down and hang it up somewhere you will see it daily.  I put mine in my closet so I see them several times a day.

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...