Thursday, September 24, 2015

Chunk of Spunk is 7 months

It's hard to believe that this chunk of spunk is 7 months old!  SEVEN months old!!!  I can't believe it and I want to cry and rejoice all at the same time.  Just wow!!!  I want to cry because she's my last and I know how fast the years go by now.  It only took three kids for me to totally understand and embrace this.  I want to rejoice because there were some days when having three kids was like hanging on to a sinking ship.  She's a great baby.  God knew that I needed her, and she would complete our family in a wonderful way!
On September 14th I had to take Ford to the doctor and I had Annie weighed on that visit.  She tipped the scales at 18.4 lbs!!!!!!
She has now worn shoes just one time... a size 2.
We've moved up in Luvs to a size 4!!!!  Her brother, Bitty, never even made it to a 4.  Girl has some legs!
Annie wears 6-9 month clothing (for now), since it's still warm outside.  I bought 9-12 months for the fall/winter.
On a typical day our schedule goes like this....

6:00 - Wake up and feed about 5-10 minutes
Play time, brothers harass me, roll on the floor, get 7,000 kisses, Bitty needs to hold me, jump in my exersaucer, watch everyone get dressed for the day, and sometimes take my brothers to school.
8:00 - Feed about 15-20 minutes and nap
10:30 - Wake up and feed about 5 minutes
Errands with momma, pick Bitty up from school, roll on the floor, Bitty needs to hold me, jump in my exersaucer
12:30 - Feed about 20 minutes and nap
2:30 - Momma wakes me up so we can pick up Ford
Maybe a few errands, harassed by brothers, kisses, and playing
3:30 - Feed 5-10 minutes
Play, roll, Bitty needs to hold me, golf cart ride, watch brothers play, brothers harass me, kisses, and squealing.
5:00 - 1 yogurt followed immediately by a bath
Help momma, cook, fuss a little when I don't get adequate attention, kisses, roll on floor, exersaucer, etc.
7:00 - Feed 20-30 minutes and bed
Things I love:

Being held, being sung to, kisses, golf cart rides, Puffs, feeding, my bubbas, outside, bath time, cartoons, Daddy, balloons, bright colors, Momma, people smiling, attention, hugs and cuddling, my momma rocking and loving on me, laughing, smiling....
Things I don't love:

The sun in my face, changing clothes, late afternoon when I need lots of attention and people don't hold me, when Bitty squeezes me, rolling into the couch....
Not only does Annie love getting kisses, she also loves giving kisses!!!
Annie has a great belly laugh!!!
Life sure is sweeter with this little one in our lives.  Happy 7 months!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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