Friday, August 28, 2015

Soggy cheeks at 6 months

Y'all, really where has the time gone???  I think the last like 18 months have been a blur.  We started building, sold our house in town, moved into a rental, found out we were pregnant, continued building, Trey went to Jackson, Annie was born, we moved when she was 10 days old, and holy moly now she's 6 months old and I don't even know how it happened!!!!

I like to help God out a lot with my life planning.  Sometimes he throws me a curve ball when I least expect it.  Consider Annie to be a curve ball if you would.  But she has been the absolute best surprise blessing of my life.  I didn't think we'd have three kids, but God knew better.  Gosh, I'm so thankful for this little girl.  I've never met a happier baby.  
She's changed a lot from 5 to 6 months. She's very aware of her surroundings.  When she goes to a new place she inspects it really good.  She wants to see all it has to offer.  
Baby girl is quite healthy if you can't tell. I have jokingly said I must be making whole milk this go round.  I'm changing that... It's more along the lines of custard.    Look at those legs.  She's a chunk of love. 
Weight: 16.15 lbs. -66th percentile
Height: 25 inches- 25th percentile
Head circumference: 43 cm- 66th percentile

Diapers: Luvs size 3.  I'm thinking she needs a 4 with those legs. 
Shoes:  Nope.  None yet.  She does have 3 pair for the fall. 
I absolutely can NOT wait to put her in these baby Keds!!!!!!
Clothes: 3-6 or 6 months 
Eating: breast milk throughout the day  and 1 fruit or yogurt at 5:00ish. 
Teeth:  none
Naps:  2
Bedtime: 6:30 or 7:00
Annie loves: to eat, chewing on things, sleeping, watching her brothers, cartoons, her exersaucer, golf cart rides, being outside, bath time, someone singing to her, being held, ice, people talking to her, having her gums rubbed, laughing, and her blanket. 
Lately Annie has decided to give me kisses.  When doing so she grabs my head (usually pulling my hair in doing so) and opens her mouth to plant one on my check.  She's learning from me.  Hence the title of this post.  The baby probably has soggy cheeks from all the kisses I give her all day long!!!!
I've gotten Daddy to give her a bottle for a second time, but he's still only bathed her once.  I'm pretty sure she gives him googly eyes every day.  She watches him and squeals when he's around.  My plan to have him wrapped around her little finger is working!!!  The boys are still obsessed, as they should be.  She is a little hesitant of John Brantley's attention since he gives more forceful hugs and kisses.

We love this little girl and are so thankful for what she brings to our lives!!!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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