Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Open House... and an excited momma!

Okay, so even though I am not currently in the classroom as a teacher doesn’t mean that it isn’t still running through my blood at a rapid pace.  It is.  It does.  I think it always will.  I get all kinds of excited looking at school supplies or anything that could be used in a classroom.  Now that both boys are in school I get to experience things on their level.

Last night was “Open House” at their school.  This means the family members get a chance to “ewwww” and “ahhhh” over their art work, classwork, classroom, cubby, seat in class, etc.  We went.  We “ewwwwed” and we “ahhhhed”.  Okay, I’m lying… I was the one who got all excited, took the pictures, and asked the questions!!!

The Bit's stuff...
 Please note that his most favorite color in the WORLD is purple, and he chooses it whenever possible!
 See.... purple again!
 And again.... (This means he was the snack helper that day)!!!
 His toast.... Popping into 3k
 Purple house... those blue flying birds are actually not birds, yet they are his family!  I wonder which one is me???!!???
 I'm assuming they made him use green because he would have picked purple!
 They are studying the first letters of their name.  Poor Bitty will be 12 before he can spell his long name!
 John Brantley LOVES pockets.   He thinks they are essential for all outfits.  Too bad this one didn't come with pockets... he was trying.
 I'm pretty sure I wasn't his favorite by this point!
 Ford's stuff....
 I'm still in awww that the kid is in real deal kindergarten.  He will go to school all day for years and years now.  I might have a lump in my throat!
 His Pete the Cat
 Ford's seat and journal
 This journal really got me excited.  Just ask any of my former students about Mrs. Lamar and journals.  They were a MUST in my room.  We had them every week.  I had crazy topics like: "Why does jello jiggle?"   "What did the dog say to the cat?"  "How do Ruffles have ridges?"   You name it... I would make them write 60 words per journal topic.  And we had them each week... every day.  I'm pretty sure some kids hated me that didn't like to write.  But hey... you learn a lot about your kids that way!  So, when I saw that Ford had a journal I about squealed!
 He had some super work on the wall!!!!
 The behavior system
 Sight Words: "I"
 Here's his picture
 Ohhhh how I loved Open House!!!!  They both have fabulous teachers and I couldn't be more excited about their year!!!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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