Monday, August 31, 2015

The Comb Over

I try to have a plan for every day.  It can be a simple plan such as do 4 loads of laundry, water the grass, cook supper, feed Annie 85 times, calm Bitty while he throws his 3 year old fits, or clean some messes.  Then other times I prefer to get out of the house for my own sanity and see what I can get in to.  On Thursday, the littles (what I call Bitty and Annie) and I went to Oxford.   Unfortunately, Ford missed the road trip because he was at school.  I hadn't seen my almost 91 year old granddaddy since Father's Day.  He can't hear much, but he enjoyed the entertainment from my littles.

I appreciate y'all telling me that Annie is now sporting a comb over.  Ohhhh my gosh!!!!
Boys and dirt!!!  Our yard is a big fat mess.  We built a house on 9 acres which was basically a field since forever that had only been occasionally bush hogged.   Now we have the lovely task of trying to turn it into a yard.  The bushes man (landscaper) has been called and is coming soon.  Until then I will let my boys dig holes!
Yesterday Fancy "needed to" go to the farm and bush hog a field he can eventually plant a food plot on for his deer friends.  As I've said before, if you've got a job to do Bitty will help you whether you want him to or not!
Annie and I rode the gator out there to check on them.  It was a good idea, but I'm paying for it today.  I have sneezed no less than 45,000 times because of the "stuff" that was flying around out at the farm.  I'm allergic to life basically.  (Tested for allergies in 2006.   I was allergic to 34 of the 40 things!)
Ohhh sister loves her baby doll.  She eats her constantly!
Doesn't he look peaceful?????????   This was after a full out tantrum.  He was sent to the time out chair and fell asleep.
Fit.   Throwing a fit!
Here too.  He ran down the hall from me, covered his face, and hid in a corner.  It took 3 minutes before he'd calm down enough for me to hold him.   Then he sat in my lap with his face covered for 10 minutes before he'd look at me.   These are some trying times my friends... some trying times!
Afternoon football...
Tying Daddy's shoes
Discussing game plays
He got mad and decided to pout.
Saturday we had a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese.   Isn't my little princess so cute!
On Fridays the boys can wear their jerseys to school to support the football players.
I think he wants to be a Tri Delta like his mommy?!?!?!?
No words
After school on Friday the littles and I had a picnic in the park.
Please note he's only eating the sausage.  He's a carnivore.
Ford L-O-V-E-S school this year.  He's got a sweet teacher and lots of friends in his class.  They are reading some Junie B. Jones books and you better believe this got his motor running.  I told him I had some in the attic and before I knew it I was digging in boxes.  We ended up starting to read our own Junie B. Jones book at home!
My bosses
Annie is into ripping your face off and giving kisses.  

Yesterday she got to start eating Puffs.  I'd say they were a BIG hit!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Soggy cheeks at 6 months

Y'all, really where has the time gone???  I think the last like 18 months have been a blur.  We started building, sold our house in town, moved into a rental, found out we were pregnant, continued building, Trey went to Jackson, Annie was born, we moved when she was 10 days old, and holy moly now she's 6 months old and I don't even know how it happened!!!!

I like to help God out a lot with my life planning.  Sometimes he throws me a curve ball when I least expect it.  Consider Annie to be a curve ball if you would.  But she has been the absolute best surprise blessing of my life.  I didn't think we'd have three kids, but God knew better.  Gosh, I'm so thankful for this little girl.  I've never met a happier baby.  
She's changed a lot from 5 to 6 months. She's very aware of her surroundings.  When she goes to a new place she inspects it really good.  She wants to see all it has to offer.  
Baby girl is quite healthy if you can't tell. I have jokingly said I must be making whole milk this go round.  I'm changing that... It's more along the lines of custard.    Look at those legs.  She's a chunk of love. 
Weight: 16.15 lbs. -66th percentile
Height: 25 inches- 25th percentile
Head circumference: 43 cm- 66th percentile

Diapers: Luvs size 3.  I'm thinking she needs a 4 with those legs. 
Shoes:  Nope.  None yet.  She does have 3 pair for the fall. 
I absolutely can NOT wait to put her in these baby Keds!!!!!!
Clothes: 3-6 or 6 months 
Eating: breast milk throughout the day  and 1 fruit or yogurt at 5:00ish. 
Teeth:  none
Naps:  2
Bedtime: 6:30 or 7:00
Annie loves: to eat, chewing on things, sleeping, watching her brothers, cartoons, her exersaucer, golf cart rides, being outside, bath time, someone singing to her, being held, ice, people talking to her, having her gums rubbed, laughing, and her blanket. 
Lately Annie has decided to give me kisses.  When doing so she grabs my head (usually pulling my hair in doing so) and opens her mouth to plant one on my check.  She's learning from me.  Hence the title of this post.  The baby probably has soggy cheeks from all the kisses I give her all day long!!!!
I've gotten Daddy to give her a bottle for a second time, but he's still only bathed her once.  I'm pretty sure she gives him googly eyes every day.  She watches him and squeals when he's around.  My plan to have him wrapped around her little finger is working!!!  The boys are still obsessed, as they should be.  She is a little hesitant of John Brantley's attention since he gives more forceful hugs and kisses.

We love this little girl and are so thankful for what she brings to our lives!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Open House... and an excited momma!

Okay, so even though I am not currently in the classroom as a teacher doesn’t mean that it isn’t still running through my blood at a rapid pace.  It is.  It does.  I think it always will.  I get all kinds of excited looking at school supplies or anything that could be used in a classroom.  Now that both boys are in school I get to experience things on their level.

Last night was “Open House” at their school.  This means the family members get a chance to “ewwww” and “ahhhh” over their art work, classwork, classroom, cubby, seat in class, etc.  We went.  We “ewwwwed” and we “ahhhhed”.  Okay, I’m lying… I was the one who got all excited, took the pictures, and asked the questions!!!

The Bit's stuff...
 Please note that his most favorite color in the WORLD is purple, and he chooses it whenever possible!
 See.... purple again!
 And again.... (This means he was the snack helper that day)!!!
 His toast.... Popping into 3k
 Purple house... those blue flying birds are actually not birds, yet they are his family!  I wonder which one is me???!!???
 I'm assuming they made him use green because he would have picked purple!
 They are studying the first letters of their name.  Poor Bitty will be 12 before he can spell his long name!
 John Brantley LOVES pockets.   He thinks they are essential for all outfits.  Too bad this one didn't come with pockets... he was trying.
 I'm pretty sure I wasn't his favorite by this point!
 Ford's stuff....
 I'm still in awww that the kid is in real deal kindergarten.  He will go to school all day for years and years now.  I might have a lump in my throat!
 His Pete the Cat
 Ford's seat and journal
 This journal really got me excited.  Just ask any of my former students about Mrs. Lamar and journals.  They were a MUST in my room.  We had them every week.  I had crazy topics like: "Why does jello jiggle?"   "What did the dog say to the cat?"  "How do Ruffles have ridges?"   You name it... I would make them write 60 words per journal topic.  And we had them each week... every day.  I'm pretty sure some kids hated me that didn't like to write.  But hey... you learn a lot about your kids that way!  So, when I saw that Ford had a journal I about squealed!
 He had some super work on the wall!!!!
 The behavior system
 Sight Words: "I"
 Here's his picture
 Ohhhh how I loved Open House!!!!  They both have fabulous teachers and I couldn't be more excited about their year!!!

Mardi Gras Coast Style

Did you know that NO ONE wants to keep 3 kids?   You got one... people will fight over one.   Two....kind of got to ask nicely.   Three....n...