Friday, July 3, 2015

Bitty is 3 and this post is late!

I am not to blame.  Blame it on the rain.  Blame it on whomever you wish.  It's not my fault this blog is almost 3 weeks late.  Wait, yes it is.  I am the only author on this site.  I suppose having three kids who demand full-time attention can hinder my ability to sit and think peacefully and compose such lovely writings.  It's their fault.  Better late than never!
Yes, my sweet little "middle child" turned THREE on June 13th, and I am just now getting around to blogging about the little stinker.
He likes to eat: chicken nuggets, sausage pizza (usually just the sausage), french fries, ketchup is his favorite!!!!!!, vanialla ice cream, yogurt with granola, purple cereal (Rice Krispy Treats Cereal), regular Rice Krispies, chips, steak, chicken, apple sauce, popsicles, squeeze apple sauces, granola bars, candy, purple shakes at Puddin's, Country Bob's all purpose sauce, etc.
Clothes: size 2T-3T
Shoe size: 7-8
He's potty trained:  THANK THE LORD!!!!!!!  This development came about within the last month. He's still in a Luvs size 3 at night.
Naps: Nope!  He pretty much quit those when Annie came along.
Bedtime: Anywhere from 7:00-8:00.  His Daddy is known to keep him up entirely too late and the momma pays for it the next day.  He usually wakes up between 6:30-7:30 AM.
His favorite TV shows include: Paw Patrol and Curious George.  He also likes Octonauts, Wild Kratts, Mickey Mouse, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, the John Deere Tractor movie, etc.

John Brantley sleeps with Ford.  He's been in there since about January, and I feel this arrangement has worked out beautifully.
He loves: tractors, trailers, bush hogs, weed-eaters (yee dee ters), 4-wheelers (fore fores), riding lawn mowers (get on it mowers), push mowers, blowers, etc.   As you can see he loves all things manly.

He's your BEST helper and you better bet your bottom dollar he WILL help you with WHATEVER you're doing.  Count on it!

Some cute says:  A big bunch (means a lot).   If something is dirty he will say, "Is it a bunch a messy?"  Or if something is funny he will ask, "Is it a bunch a funny?"  If Ford is making a noise he will ask, "Why did you say that noise?"  

We were talking about God the other day.  I explained he is everywhere all the time and can be anything he wants to be.  I went on to explain how big he was.  Bitty asked, "Is God bigger than a Christmas tree?"
The other day Trey was talking to Ford about catching an alligator in the Pearl River.  Bitty piped in and asked if he caught it with his fishing pole!!!
He got mad about potty training (as he does every. single. day) and cried and said, "Underwear are not my favorite!!!"   This is solely because it's inconvenient for him.  He has to stop playing to go tend to his business!!!

He loves to pout.  This isn't a serious pout, but the kid has got it down PAT!
The other day he told me... "I love you so much I can't stop loving you!!!!"  He can pretty much get away with murder if he says that to me.  

He loves his sack (his lovie/blanket), wants to be held, constantly says "I need you", "Hold me".  He's obsessed with Annie and needs to hold her numerous times a day.  He tells me he's a tough boy and shows me his muscles all the time.

He put his shorts on backwards!!!!
He cracks me up.  He's a funny little guy.  He often times uses voices.  He is very literal about everything.  He isn't into learning his ABC's or counting.  If you ask him how old he is he will hold up 3 fingers.  When asked to count then he says, "one, one, one" or sometimes " four, five, eleven".  You never know what you'll get.

One Year
Two Years
Three Years
Weight: 8.12 lbs.- 62nd percentile
Weight: 19.8 lbs.- 5th percentile
Weight: 23.3 lbs.- 5th percentile
Weight: 28.2 lbs.-10th-25th percentile
Height: 19 ¾ inches- 52nd percentile
Height:  29 ½ inches- 50th percentile
Height: 33 inches-  10th-25th percentile
Height: 35 inches- below 5th percentile

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Mardi Gras Coast Style

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