Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Annie's 4 month shots

Shots are not fun.  I remember up until about age 26.5 (yes, I am referring to myself) I opted for medicine via the mouth rather than a shot.  I guess giving birth three times has toughened me up... A LOT!!!!   Just ask my parents.   

Well, today it was Annie's day and I hated thinking about it from the moment we got up.   She's always so sweet and happy, unless she's tired or hungry, and I knew the shots would alter her mood for sure.  I was right!!!   Bless her bones.
Weight: 14.5 pounds- 50th-75th percentile
Height: 24 inches- 25th-50th percentile
Head Circumference: 40 inches- 95th percentile  (I think that's bunk.  JB's head was like 8 times bigger and he was only the 75th).

At birth stats:
Weight: 7.3 pounds
Height: 19 3/4 inches

She's gained: 7.2 pounds
She's grown: 4 1/4 inches

The paper was delicious
The appointment time interfered with her morning nap.  She hadn't even gotten jabbed three times at this point.


No stats found!!!  =(
He was always around JB's size.
John Brantley:
Weight: 14.15 pounds
Height: 25 1/4 inches
Head circumference: 42.7 cm

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