Sunday, May 17, 2015

Wheels a spinning

Sometimes I feel like I honestly can't catch my breath.  We are always on the go.  Hence the title of this blog... "Wheels a Spinning".  Now that school is officially over for both boys we can focus on our summer activities like: swimming lessons for Bitty (pray for this activity.... should be lovely), advanced swimming lessons for Ford (the kid is a fish), Bible school, two family reunions, a Jackson trip, and a trip to the beach.  But before we can do all of those things we must reminisce Ford's 4K program last Monday night.  

The musical/play/program/show.... whatever you would like to call it was Mother Goose themed.  All the little ones had a special part, and my little guy was Old King Cole.  Here he is making his entrance.  
I was reading over the program before the show began.  Who knew Ford was leading the prayer?!?!   Made this momma proud.

John Brantley just loves to cooperate for me. 
At the end of the program each child got their diploma and much to our surprise my man was a District and Local art winner?!?!?   That definitely didn't come from his momma.  Possibly from my granddaddy.
Never ever think you know what a child's picture is. The best thing to say is: "Tell me about your picture."  I called it a fire truck when it's clearly a tractor.  My bad!
Ford and his teacher, Mrs. Beverly
Ford and his assistant teacher, Mrs. Kristi
Ford and the principal, Mrs. Allyson
And it happens every single May.... The last day of school.
Honestly, I was deeply sadden that The Bit also finished school.  I love him more than chocolate, but Lord have mercy he is a handful. I'm going to have to get creative this summer.
He might be a handful, but he's cute as a bug in a rug!!!!
And he loves his momma!!!!!  He is also your best helper.  Yes, yours too.  If you plan to do anything at all he's your man. He's the jack of all trades.
This sweet girl was ALL smiles.  She hadn't pooped in 4 days so the momma went to work on the issue with a suppository.  They work wonders.  
We spend as much time outside as we do inside.  Ice cream breaks are essential.
Sweetums really is a good baby. I post a lot of crying pictures, but only because they crack me up.
We are closing in on the end of baseball season. Douglas and Larson came to watch the other night.
And during the game John Brantley crashed his bubble mower and got a battle wound. Mowing can be a dangerous job. Safety goggles should always be worn.
Ain't scared. Nope.  Not Ford Lamar.  He will run errands decked in his jersey and shoulder pads.
This momma won't cut a baby's fingernails.  Ms. Amy has done manicures on all three of my kiddos until about age one.
Rials and John Brantley cruising....
Rials and Maggie Hale with my crew

My view one morning. Thanks God
Potty training for Bitty starts tomorrow..... Lord.  Help.  Me!!!!

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Oh y'all know me.... I LOVE a tradition and Christmas pajamas are one of them! Bit Annie Ford Annie's note to Santa  The run through...