Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Made it a quarter of a year

You know this time last year I wasn't even pregnant with Annie, and now she's 3 months old. I never anticipated having three children, but God makes the arrangements, not me.  I can't imagine not having this little doodle bug either.  Our family needed her, we just didn't know it. 

These big "bubbas" sure are fond of Annie.  There's no jealousy, and for that I'm grateful.  I try to equally spread out time and attention for each child which proves to be exhausting. John Brantley demands it more than the other two. 
She really is a great sleeper. We aren't on a schedule yet, and who knows if we ever will be.  Annie can't decide if she wants to sleep through the night or not.  Sometimes she does and sometimes she doesn't. 
She's a good sleeper though.  I made a mistake twice before and shall not a third time.  There is no rocking to sleep.  Sure I would love to on occasion, but I can't start that. I feed her and it's straight to bed.  If it's nap time and she doesn't need to eat I put her in her rock n play.  Of course she might cry for 5-10 minutes, but she gets over it.
She prefers a long morning and afternoon nap.  They usually range from 1.5-3 hours and a short late afternoon nap for about 30 minutes. 
Pacifiers really aren't her thing, but sometimes I try one to calm her if she's tired and fussy.  She's more of a thumb sucker.  If she can get that left thumb in her mouth she's ohhhh so happy.

Speaking of left, Trey and I think she's going to be left handed.  She grabs for things with her left hand, sucks her left thumb, and generally uses that hand more than her right. 
She likes to be held.  She's nosey and wants to face outward so she can see what's going on.
The boys feel the need to get their holding time in every single day!
Girls loves to eat.  Look at those legs!!!!  Enough said.
Annie is very vocal, and it looks like she's going to be a big talker like her brothers. There's lots of jabbering and squealing that goes on.

She's eyeing that elephant on her bouncy seat. She will swat him with her left hand. 
Annie's bff is Maggie.  They help each other cry. 

Weight: 12.9 lbs - 25th percentile
Diapers: Luvs size 1
Clothes size: 3-6 months 
Nickname: Annie Wannie (I made it up)

Annie's personality type is overall happy.  She loves watching people and follows them with her eyes or by moving her head.  She loves to smile and coo if you talk to her. She enjoys being outside, riding the golf cart, eating, sleeping, watching her brothers play, being held, riding in the car, watching the bright colors on cartoons, taking a bath, lying on her changing pad, kicking her legs and sucking her thumb. 

And I found this to be interesting....

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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