Since we've moved, we have a lot more open space to run and play. Many afternoons we hop on the golf cart for a ride during that difficult witching hour time period. It's a good activity that we all can participate in. Annie is very limited on what she can do!!! Last week on our ride we stopped across the street at our neighbors', who are also family, house.
They have all things "farm". Things like cows (which Bitty may call a donkey), tractors, hay bales, trucks, gators, buckets of feed, etc. The kids and I hopped in the truck with Pam and T.A. and off we went to give the cows some treats. Annie got a little ticked sitting in the back so she got to ride through the pasture in the front. I think she loves when Pam holds her and Ford sings. And ohhhh does that child sing to her. He breaks out in song numerous times a day. It can be anything from the ABC's (which he's very adamant that she learn at 9 weeks....Ha!), Jesus Loves Me, or he even makes up his own ditties. No one get too excited, you won't be seeing him on American Idol or The Voice anytime soon.
This would be Chief. Check out those ears would you!!!! Ohhh and his camelish hump.
Feeding these "donkeys" a snack sure is a special treat for them. They have a hard time practicing patience... Just stick their heads right on in the truck!!!!
Ford such a little guy, 40 pounds on a good day, he's actually pretty good. He would literally shoot hoops all day long.
The Bit isn't into ball so much. He's finally learned to pedal his bike. He was cruising the driveway while Ford broke a sweat.
And Saturday we had a field trip. We headed to Oxford for the Double Decker Arts Festival. This, in my squirrelly little head, seemed like a good idea. But ohhhh it wasn't. It was hot, John Brantley fell down every 100 feet, John Brantley didn't want to walk, Ford was talking, both boys wanted to play in the bouncy houses, Annie hated her car seat/stroller, she was hungry, I was sweating, etc. Next year, Trey and I will go alone and take chairs so we can enjoy the music.
While we were fighting the crowds Ford did spot two Ole Miss basketball players. Saiz and Perez are short aren't they!!!??? If we had seen Moody the day would have been complete.
All that falling down wore Bitty out!!!!!Daddy's first time to give Annie a bottle at almost 9 weeks old.
The other day I told Trey that I missed Delta, our dog that was recently run over. I stated that it had been 4 weeks since she died. Bitty, who doesn't miss a thing, chimes in and says, "How long ago did you plant Delta in the yard?"
Someone got her Daddy's eyelashes.Sister started sleeping through the night again two days ago, on Sunday.
What little boy doesn't love a sand pile????
So since I learned I can blog on my phone it has made my life much simpler. Annie and I are at the Chevrolet place getting a keyless remote programmed. Sounds easy enough, but they said it would take an hour. She didn't enjoy the news and started yelling and rubbing her face in my shirt. I've switched to ALL detergent, but she's still breaking out. Uggghhhh
I'm finally caught up on my blogging!!!