Saturday, April 25, 2015

To the zoo we go

Field trips.  Aren't they fun?  You get out of the normal everyday school routine and do something different.  Ford's little class (I'm pretty sure he wouldn't appreciate the word "little") headed to the zoo last week.  My whole motto with my kids is "if I'm able to go then I will".  Now I successfully missed the entire week of Easter festivities because death was knocking on my door, the stomach bug, so I refused to miss this.  Is it easy to go to the zoo with three kids?  No!  That's when you call in for backup. Gran and BoomPa are retired, sometimes they might wish they weren't, so they got suckered into going.  
There are large animals at the zoo entrance with signs posted that read "Please Do Not Climb On The Animals".  No one can read, apparently.  Folks were all over the critters!!!
There's my helpers.  The trip wouldn't have been possible without them.  I was rocking two strollers and one child who is solely dependent on me for all meals. She demanded food once and we had to hide in the corner. 
The Bit doesn't always cooperate for pictures.
Ford and Anna Lauren
Ford and Cooper
Naturally the boys wanted to ride the camels.  I mean why wouldn't you want a camel???  John Brantkey said he wanted to ride the "donkey" aka camel.  So donkey riding we did.
The zoo is highway robbery.  As if it isn't enough to pay to park, enter the zoo, get drinks, ride a "donkey", then my kids want to ride a carousel.  That was fine, but this momma doesn't ride.  They make me sick.
That's when your helpers come into play. 
Zoo field trip- 2015
Thanks Gran and Boom!!!!  I couldn't have done it without you!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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