Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Bit is sick

I hate being sick, but I hate it even more when my babies are sick.  John Brantley wasn’t acting 100% for most of the weekend, and by Monday I knew he had “the funk”.  I called and made an appointment, thinking the worst, and headed to the pediatrician.  After an ear inspection, flu test, and strep test it was determined that he had an upper respiratory infection.  We left with a prescription for cough medicine and hoped for the best.

He was pretty pitiful by Tuesday…..
I knew that other things were going on other than an upper respiratory infection.
Sooooo, Wednesday I called at 8:00 AM asking for some amoxicillin which I was denied and forced to make another appointment.  I may have majored in education, but I know lots about sick babies, and I knew mine had an ear infection.

We had another appointment and the Bit has a double ear infection on top of an upper respiratory infection.
I really wanted him to go to school today because I had to go to the baby doctor, but that wasn't happening.  He cried and cried about it.  He won.  I lost.  He came with me to the doctor.  He just couldn't hang.  He fell asleep by 8:15 AM.

But a stop by Lowe’s to buy stuff for the new house quickly pepped the little man up.  He’s running at about 75%, and I’m hoping for big things tomorrow…. Like him going to school.

Weight: 26 lbs. = 5th-10th percentile
Length: 34 inches or 2'10'' = below 5th percentile

And that my friends is why we call him Bitty... because he's Itty Bitty!!!!!!!

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