Tuesday, December 2, 2014

A liberating lunch date, alone...

Pregnancy Update:

Have you ever been pregnant?  If you’re a dude then I seriously hope you answered, “NO!”  I’m speaking to the women out there actually.  Okay, so we have some takers on being preggers, right?  Right!  Let’s bond together and discuss some commonly heard phrases by those who are “with child”.

“What are you having?”  “When are you due?”  “How are you feeling?”  “Does she have a name?”  “When are you going to name her?”  “Do you have any other children?”  “What are your other children (boys/girls)?”

Again, I think I have the goggles on (See blog titled “TheBeast” for explanation of goggles) and people can’t tell that I’m pregnant.  Who am I kidding?  I am pushing 28 weeks pregnant and it’s obviously no secret anymore.  Well, today I had to go to Target to exchange something and the lady at Guest Services befriended my preggo self quickly.  I was interrogated and asked all of the questions above.  She was deeply disturbed that I haven’t named “Cake” and decided to help. 

Her first question was: “What is your mom’s maiden name?”  I responded with, “Hamm”.  She frowned and said, “Well, we might need to get creative.  I know, you can name her Hampton as a tribute to your mom!”  

Okay people, I never have nor never will claim to be a rocket scientist, but how in Sam Hill does Hampton show tribute to my mom?  I don’t have much of a “poker face” so I kind of looked oddly at her.  I thanked her for exchanging my item and began to walk away.  I was a good 10 feet from the counter and she’s still hollering out at me.  As if Hampton weren't enough she wanted to hear some other options.  I told her not to worry that I would just have to get creative!

After leaving Target I went to Motherhood Maternity for some much needed items.  While I was in the dressing room a young child whipped the curtain open and joined me!!!  It was “my day”!  Y’all should all be jealous of my shopping experience today.  After leaving there I went to…….
And not only did I go there, but I dined inside ALL alone!!!  It was very liberating. 
 All of you health food fanatics just calm down!!!  I had good reasons for going to eat at Krystal burger!!!  Here are my reasons: 1.  Guest services lady at Target did me in.  2.  Kid at Motherhood saw all my pregnant glory.  3.  I had to get my glucose/diabetes test done at the doctor.  And 4.  I was at or under my weight goal. 

Real Pregnancy Updates:

I’m almost 28 weeks pregnant.  I have now gained a total of 20 pounds.  That means I gained SIX pounds since last month.  I was disappointed… I felt like I had gained 4.  The nurse did say the other office location’s scale weighs you lighter.  I should have gone there!!!

I have started to get uncomfortable.  Unless I sit up with great posture then it makes my belly hurt!  The “beast”, my hernia, is still an ever present enemy.  I am waking up a lot to go to the bathroom.  I’m up anywhere from 2-4 times a night to potty and I usually get disturbed by Bitty at some point.  The child won’t sleep!!!!!!

I really do like order, cleanliness, and a tidy house.  I promise my house is “clean”… it’s just always a train wreck!!!  See Exhibit A….
This is my bedroom.  It always looks like this.  I quit making up my bed.  That would also explain why there is a mound of pillows on the floor.  The tub at the end of my bed is full of maternity clothes and the hanging rack on the right is full of maternity clothes too.  Why?  We are slap out of closet space.  But the real reason for this picture is to let y’all know that this bed is very difficult for my big ole self to crawl into now.  I understand the elderly so much more now that I am unable to do simple tasks easily at this stage in my life.

Despite my crazy daily activities I still have all of this to look forward to…

The decorating of our tiny tree (which the lights only worked on for 2 days).
 Present wrapping
 Time out
The annual Christmas chain!!!
 But this year we made TWO!!!  Ford and John Brantley each have one in their rooms!
 And hugs goodnight from Daddy!
And two photos never posted from The Ole Miss vs. Presbyterian game.
 I.  Love.  These.  Babies!!!!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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