Monday, October 6, 2014

Resemblance with some Hotty Toddy

I find it interesting how people share their opinions about my boys.  They either think they look exactly alike or nothing alike at all.  When John Brantley was born he didn't look like Ford at all, “to me”.  As they get bigger I see a lot of similarities in them.  Now their personalities are as different as night and day, but I am seeing a lot more of a resemblance now.
Usually Bitty is right underneath me assisting as I cook.  On this day, however, it was Ford.  He insisted that we make cookies and I had flour all over my kitchen.  
We haul soap in our trucks these days.  
Saturday was a B-I-G day.  Ole Miss played Alabama and “Game Day” came to Oxford.  You would have thought Santa was coming all week because Trey Lamar was on a different level.  I thought we were leaving home when the roosters started to crow so I got up at 5:00 A.M.  I will have you know that no other Lamar male had risen even by 7:00.  But when they did get up we got it in high gear and were out the door in no time. 
I was anticipating terrible traffic, horrendous parking, and jam packed crowds.  I was pleasantly surprised with the traffic and parking, and I stayed at our tent so I was never surrounded by people.  It started off rather chilly, but turned out to be beautiful.  
The boys were both very excited about this field trip.  We packed their little tailgating chairs and naturally forgot our football.  Never fear, we bought one when we got there.  About an hour later the cousins arrived and the boys were on Cloud 9.

Caroline and Molly Cate  
Here are the cousins in no particular order…

John Brantley (2 yrs.), Caroline (6 yrs.), Jack (3.5 yrs.), Ford (5 yrs.), and Molly Cate (8 yrs.)  
My friend, Jessica, was equally as pumped as Fancy about the day.  She woke up at 4:00 AM and was at our house by 7:30.  
And Taylor drove up from Jackson to see her team play, but was disappointed they didn’t win.  
Why does my camera has spots on it in some pictures… I do not know!!???  
Bitty and Miss Taylor  
Trey doesn't get as fired up as he should about taking pictures with me anymore.  I guess after almost 12 years together he feels we have taken enough!!!!  
My brother, Ken, my sister in law, Ashley, Fancy, and me  
Isn't my nephew, Jack, so cute in his new glasses?!?!  
Pops and Puddin
Y’all ready for the game?????  
Because the Lamar boys are!
Both of my boys are super affectionate.  They love hugs and kisses and ask me for “love” several times a day.  Bitty can pucker those lips and plant one on you too!  
Our friends, Sidney and Callie, did a gender reveal at the tent.  Baby GIRL Kidder is coming in March!  
The kids spent a large majority of the day digging in the dirt and making “squirrel food”.  
A good end to any day is wearing momma’s boots while playing in the dirt!  

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Mardi Gras Coast Style

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