Sunday, September 28, 2014

Biting footballs

Well, if you missed my last blog about issues with my boys you should go back and read it… I need advice.  And in case you were wondering, neither situation is any better!

Last week Ford had two soccer games.  I had to miss the first one since I had a class, but I made it on Thursday.  I think he was getting a little stressed that two of his buddies had scored goals and he hadn't.  Well, the problems with Ford and soccer are: he isn't too aggressive and he doesn't pay great attention.   When it was his turn to sit out I made him watch another little guy on his team.  We talked about how good he was playing and I suggested Ford play like that.  Then I even threw in some bribery!!!  Who doesn't love a good bribe?!?!  I told him if he scored a goal he could have an Octonauts or Wild Kratts toy.  I will have you know that he totally cranked up his aggressive status and he was after that ball.  No, he didn't score, but he plans to at the next game!
 Tighten those pants
 Bitty sort of hangs out or rolls around during the games!
 John Brantley is really talking a lot more.  Instead of 1 or 2 words we are getting 4 or 5.  You can actually piece together what he is saying a lot easier now.

Some of his words I wanted to document are: pete pete- pizza    doc doc- doctor     munk munk- Curious George    hup- help     chess- yes
 The other day we were visiting a friend who had an acorn tree in her yard.  He picked up an acorn and said, “cupcake”.  I’ll never look at an acorn the same again!!!

I tell my kids I love them ALL the time.  Ford and I have a little saying that my mom and I say: “I love you as much as the whole world and back again.”  When I tell John Brantley that I love him he said he loves me “big, tall”.  I’ll take that!!!
 Yesterday we made it to Oxford for our first Grove experience of the season.  Before we landed on campus we stopped by the VA to see my granddaddy and raise his blood pressure a bit.  My boys worry him to death, therefore we can only stay about 30 minutes.  They aren't little statues.
Walking to the tent
 Ford brought a football.  He found a friend and they tackled each other, rolled in the grass, and ran for hours.
 Bitty just pushed the stroller and occasionally tried to bite the boys if they weren't doing right!
 Fruit snack break
 Lamar family of 4.5 (Three, Sally, Cake) is growing
 John Brantley also spent a lot of time biting footballs.
 Watching the band
 Pregnancy Update:

I am going out on a limb and I’m going to say it.  This is bold, BUT I think my sickness is gone.  I pray that it’s gone.  I haven’t felt 100%, even 75% this week.  I had a sinus infection and between runny noses and watery eyes, I was sneezing and trying to stay awake while doped up on Benadryl. 

  When I would blow my nose I thought my hernia would pop right out.  That’s a lot of information to take in, but these are things for me to laugh about later. 

I’m 18 weeks pregnant.  I haven’t given into maternity clothes just yet.  I probably wear them 50% of the time.  If someone would come out with cute affordable maternity clothes they could make a fortune.  I tried on a dress for church today and I looked like I had on a purple bed sheet.  Serious outfit FAIL!!!  I didn’t look like a grape.  I opted for some nice black pants!

Hopefully in the next month or two little sister will have a name.  I just haven’t been too motivated to think about it, and I know I am driving folks crazy!!!  Sorry.  Until next time….

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jill, I'm gonna need you to pass down Bitty's outfit to JettBoy for next year. Thanks

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...