Sunday, August 10, 2014


My blogging has been all out of order.  I kind of wanted to do things by subject: like Ford’s first day of school, so now I am back tracking.  Last Tuesday was Trey’s 34th birthday.  That morning we worked hard and made him cinnamon rolls from a can complete with the Happy Birthday plate and a present.  Several hours later we busted in his office with balloons and a large box of Nerds.  That night we did none other than eat Mexican and then came home for cake.
 Fancy has a special birthday cake that his momma, Puddin, has been making him for years.  I have the recipe so I decided I would whip one up… with my right hand man of course, Bitty.  Cake is one of John Brantley’s most favorite things and it was hard containing him for 10 hours before we could dive in.
 John Brantley loves to rock.  He was busy playing with my phone when I snapped this picture of him.  He’s quite the ham.  I still take notes on my phone of things my boys do or say that I want to make sure I blog about.  Some things I have written about John Brantley lately are:  He always pulls the tires off of his toys.  If it’s a 4-wheeler, tractor, trailer, motorcycle etc. and he can rip those suckers off you better believe they are coming off.

He’s talking in one word sentences still.  If you ask him how old he is he will tell you “tune” (two).  He calls his bathing suit a “soup”.  He always needs a huggie (some of you people call them coozies) around his drinks now days.  Trey says we might be in trouble.  I told Ford now that he is a Christian he needs to tell others about God.  He has been working on Bitty a lot lately even though the child has no clue.  John Brantley calls Jesus “Gigi”.
The boys are still busy building forts and playing with tools.  It’s their house… I just live here.
 Yesterday, our neighbor, Caroline, turned 5 and had a waterslide party.  I opened the blinds at 8:30 and there it stood…. A TALL blue bouncy water slide.  Now the party didn’t start until 10:00 and it was mighty hard containing my boys after they saw this sucker.  We ended up going over 10 minutes early and I just apologized.
 Ford loved the thing.  I bet he went down 200 times.
 John Brantley went down and in his own word “sink” when he hit the pool of water.  Yep, he went under and the show was OVER.  He panicked and refused the slide again.  He opted for the snacks and trampoline.
 After Bitty wakes up from his naps he stands up in his bed and yells, “Mommmmmma!”  Example…
 And yes, the pictures are crooked... compliments of John Brantley himself.
 Last night John Brantley wanted a lunchable.  I’m   pretty sure because it came with Oreos.  I told him to eat the meat before the cookies.  I’m guessing it was too tempting so he ate them at the same time.
 Ford’s big thing now is holding his breath.  He asks you to count while he holds his breath.  The other day he said he wanted to hold his breath for 2 minutes.  I explained that it wasn't a good idea.  He said, “It’s okay.  I’ll close my mouth and just breathe thru my nose for 2 minutes.”   He was pleased with himself.

He’s still watching his favorite show, Wild Kratts.  I’m anti TV, if the shows are just junk, but this one is really interesting and it’s amazing what all he learns.

He’s into doing things for himself.  He likes to blow dry his own hair at night now.  He ends up looking like Einstein.  

I want to do a good job of keeping up with Three’s journey to get here just like I did the other two even though blogging can be a struggle.

Let’s recap:

June 26- I found out I was pregnant.
July 8- First trip to the doctor.  Weight: the exact same with both boys at the first visit.  I had an ultra sound, but I wasn’t far along enough to see much more than a shadow.
July 25- Second trip to the doctor.  Gained THREE pounds.  This really ticked me off since I was only right at 9 weeks and I didn’t gain a pound with either boy until 18 weeks.
August 7 – Back to doctor for lab work.  LOST 2 pounds, so now I’m only up 1 pound.  

At my second doctor visit I was told of a new chromosomal test they have come out with since I had Bitty.  The test can be done as early as 10 weeks and it screens for all kinds of chromosomal abnormalities, AND it will tell you the sex of the baby.  Being that Trey and I lost a baby at 9.5 weeks with a chromosome problem we decided to go on with the test. 

It was simple.  They took 2 vials of blood and sent them off to a lab.  Hopefully in the next week or so we will find out good things about a healthy baby and the sex of Three.  So, in the meantime, pray that we have a healthy little one baking in there.

I am currently 11 weeks pregnant.  I still haven’t totally accepted the fact that there is a life growing inside of me.  I know things are going on because I feel bad about 75% of the day, my waist line is expanding, and my appetite is that of a teenage boy.  I refuse to wear maternity clothes until it’s absolutely necessary.  If I were teaching I would have given in by now since I can’t wear shorts to school, but I’m holding on to my normalcy for as long as possible.  Wearing pants that come up to your neck totally stinks.

I don’t have any food cravings too often.  The other day I needed McAlisters and stopped there on the way home from the doctor.  I am usually more into drinks and lemon.  Anything lemon sounds fabulous.  See exhibit A:  my latest purchase at the grocery store.

Ford is really excited about being a big brother again.  Bitty honestly has no clue.  If you ask him what’s in my belly he says, “Bay-beeeee”.  Then he is quick to let you know the baby won’t have his baby bed and I can’t rock that baby.  He tries to pawn Three off on Ford.  He’s kind of possessive.

And to answer the famous question: “Are you hoping for a girl?”  The answer is No.  I am not hoping either way.  I have no preference.  A boy would be 1,000,000 times easier than a girl, but I trust that since God gave us this little surprise that he will give us exactly what he sees best for our family.  After losing a baby all I can ask for is a healthy baby.  So for now we patiently wait and pray for a healthy child and wonder what the new addition will be???!!!

And now worries on names… We are set.  Ford and Bitty both picked for us.

Ford’s choices:  Girl: Sally      and      Boy: Fred
John Brantley’s choice:  Either way: Cake

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