Wednesday, July 16, 2014

His inner Diva and going to Heaven

Since I have been deemed as a bad blogger lately (by myself, not y’all), I thought I better try to redeem myself a bit.  I don’t have fantastic things to share, but I loaded some pictures to my computer and thought they were blog worthy.

John Brantley is ALWAYS looking for something to get into.  If I take my eyes off of him he will be rearranging things, kicking the dog, playing with tape, digging in the trash, harassing Ford, etc…. the other day he felt his inner Diva kick in and decided to borrow some shoes!!!
 My boys love to build a tent.  It’s a daily activity and can take place multiple times a day if they are forced to clean it up.  They must completely take the couch apart, use all pillows and blankets they can find, and connect their gates to the coffee table and chairs.  I am always invited to come inside their tent, but usually there isn't too much room.
 The weather has been a tad bit abnormal for July.  It’s hot, but I can still breathe when I am outside.  Every afternoon we must ride the toys and release some excess energy!
 Feeling Diva again…. No worries, he’s all boy!!!  I promise.  He was hollering “bight” (bright) and needed some shades.
 My mom, Gran, has chemo every Tuesday.  Yesterday we decided we would surprise her with a little visit and some balloons.  My dad is known for being on time or early everywhere he goes, so I made sure we arrived plenty early to beat her to the appointment.  We waited about 15 minutes and definitely made our presence known in the waiting area.  The boys had her balloons and everything.
 Dad, BoomPa, took the boys to Chuck E Cheese and I stayed and visited with mom!!!  I think she was pretty surprised.
 Another tent… New location… my room.  What happens when you wash your sheets????  A tent is born!
 I was deprived of a lot of things as a child… No Disney World, no dog, no airplane trips, and NO play dough!  I can’t lie… I am not a fan of play dough either.  But we have some we got for a gift and it kept Bitty entertained this morning, so I just went with it!
 Playing a little ball with BoomPa!!!
 I’m 32 today and I promise I don’t feel a day over 21, but I am what I am.  Age is only a number.  I had a big day and everyone was super sweet.  After we returned from lunch my sweet friend Jessica had a left a bucket of goodies on my kitchen table as a surprise.  It was put together so cute and everything had a pink theme to it.  My favorite was the pedicure which I jetted out the door immediately to enjoy.  I think Bitty enjoyed the gum the most…. He didn't save me a single piece!
I have mentioned how much Ford loves the Lord on here before.  He is constantly asking questions and wanting to learn more and more.  Six weeks ago at VBS he spoke with our preacher and about 3 weeks ago he met with the children’s minister at our church.  Since then he has expressed how he wants to go to Heaven and was ready to ask Jesus to come into his heart.  Well, last night Trey lead him in the prayer and he prayed and I cried.  It was such a sweet time and Ford was beyond ecstatic.  After we hugged he jumped up and said, “This is my BIG day!!!”  I think he was happier than a kid at Christmas.  He ran into my room this morning announcing he was a Christian and was going to Heaven.  Nothing can make a parent happier than to know their child will spend eternity in Heaven!  God is so good.

1 comment:

Felicia said...

I'm so happy for Ford. This is so exciting. What a great early birthday gift. Hope your day was fantastic.

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...