Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Gator riding and a coke cake

Yep, my blogging has been slacking lately and I am aware of it.  I have had at least 3 people tell me it’s time to update, but I haven’t had the spunk to blog.  Therefore, if this blog isn't top quality I do apologize, and I will try to do better next go round.

Let’s see…. On Sunday I told Trey we needed to go mud riding at the farm.  We loaded up and headed that way.  The first stop was to check out Uncle Vance’s (Trey’s brother) garden.  He decided a while back to plant a garden and it’s really taken off.  Ford needed to sample a green bean.
 Uncle Vance and Bitty
 Ford jumping some rope… or thinking he was at least.
 Bit-Bit, as he refers to himself, was ticked about this time.  Trey was spending too much time looking at the veggies and he desperately wanted to ride the gator.
 Yay for the gator!!!!
 Men doing men things….
 And on our ride we stopped at the apple tree to pick apples.  It was a big deal.  The boys LOVED this activity.  Bitty didn't know what he was doing, but he sure wanted to participate.  And as I type right now I have an apple crisp in the oven and it smells fabulous!!!!!!!!
 Part of the reason I am behind on blogging is because we are steady building our house.  Not that I am making any decisions… ask Trey, he’s not happy with me.  But because we have to go look at it every night and then I don’t feel like blogging afterwards!
 Two weeks ago (yes, this blog is bad out of order), Trey’s friend, Seth, and his family came to eat supper at our house.  We tried to get a picture of the kids, but it was a little difficult.  Julie had to hold Anne Allen over the couch.  Apparently group photos aren't her gig either!
Anne Allen, John Brantley, James, Ford, and John Everette
 Last weekend we went to Sebastopol.  Where’s that???  Yep, it’s a real place in Mississippi.  Scott County to be exact.  My dad grew up in “The Pool” and we went for a family reunion.  Ford rode with my parents, Gran and BoomPa, early on Friday morning so he could get down for some tractor riding fun.
 Mom and me at the reunion
I decided to make something to eat before I left on the 2.5 hour trip for the reunion.  I didn't want to take up oven space at my aunt’s house.  I made a cake and both of my boys think it’s fabulous.  Ford isn't even a sweets eater… he just likes the dessert because it has coke in it.

Coca-Cola Cake

2 C all purpose flour
2 C sugar
1 C butter
3 T cocoa
1 ½ mini marshmallows
1 C coca-cola
½ C buttermilk
2 eggs, beaten
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. vanilla

½ C butter
2 T cocoa
6 T coca-cola
1 lb. powdered sugar

Combine flour and sugar.  Heat butter, cocoa, marshmallows, and coca-cola until marshmallows melt thoroughly.  Beat together buttermilk, eggs, soda, and vanilla.  Add to flour mixture and mix well.  This will be a thin batter.  Bake in a greased 9x13 inch pan at 350 for 25-35 minutes.  Ice while hot.  Icing: combine butter, cocoa, and coca-cola.  Heat to boiling.  Pour over sifted powdered sugar.  Spread over hot cake.

1 comment:

Pat Day said...

The house is really coming along!!!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...