Friday, June 20, 2014

A cake snob.... Bitty's second birthday party

Summer is just bee bopping right along.  My personality type likes a plan and an activity.  It helps me to better plan and prepare for the day and upcoming week.  After one week at home with the kids I decided that we needed to participate in VBS for my own personal sanity.  Neither of my children are old enough to attend the VBS program at our church unless a parent is a volunteer.  And a volunteer I was.  I decided that since John Brantley is down to one nap a day that we could totally swing a morning of good fun at church.  I signed up to help teach third and fourth grade with two friends.  Each day was themed and we all know how I get a charge out of dressing up.  There was weird animal day (which I didn’t participate in because I had no materials to make the outfit come off just right), Day 2 was tie dyed day (no picture), Day 3 was camouflage/princess day (we went with both themes), Day 4 was costume day, and Day 5 was mix matched day.  I had fun.  Can you tell???
 Last Friday was John Brantley’s second birthday.  It snuck up on me.  Actually, I knew it was coming, but I didn't prepare well.  On his birthday, June 13th, he woke up with NO presents!!  Good mother, I know.  Mother of the year… most definitely.  So after Bible school we hit up Wal-Mart.  I let him pick out whatever he wanted.  Now with Ford, this could have been costly, but I knew JB would keep a tight rein on the funds.  He HAD TO HAVE a pink Barbie car.  Now he doesn't know that pink is a girl color.  Oh no!!!  He just likes things with wheels and had wanted this car previously.  It was $11.00 so I was like what the heck.  Next we picked out a pool toy water squirter, some tiny tonka trucks, mini Oreos, cereal, and last but NOT least his MOST FAVORITE snack, Annie’s organic fruits snacks.
 So to keep with the theme of good mothering, I didn't plan a party.  I’m over parties, people.  OVER THEM!!!!  Pinterest has RUINED birthday parties forever.  So three days after his party I made him birthday invitations (with the wrong date on them might I add) and mailed them to family only!!!!  Ha ha ha!!!!!  Yep… no big Hooooray party for us.  He doesn't know any better.  And so we planned a pool party at Puddin and Pops’s pool and went with it.
 All he wanted to do was jump in the pool 10,000 times
 Bitty and his Gran
 Trey cooked burgers.
 Now, I’ll be honest.  I am kind of a birthday cake snob.  I take pride in my party cakes and think they are kind of the central part of the party.  The focal point.  I want the ewwwwwww and ahhhhhhhhh kind of cake.  You know the kind that hurts the pocket book kind of deal.  Well, second child… no ewwww and ahhhh cake for him.  I went straight into Wal-Mart, flipped thru their selection, found one for less than $20.00 with a 4-wheeler and ordered it right up!
 And to show y’all that I’m not always over the top, Type A, freak out and have a plan kind of mom, I picked the cake up at 1:45 and all the food, and the party was at 3:00!!!  There you go.  I’m getting better… Trey wouldn't agree!
 We didn't need presents, but since he got the shaft on a party, I let him have gifts.
 WILD HAIR!!!!!!
 I made two good party decisions this year.  For Ford’s we opted for “no gifts, please”, and John Brantley’s was a small, impromptu family party.  Next in line, ME…. I’ll be 32 next month.  Someone start planning me a party, please!

1 comment:

Justice and Jonathan Duhon said...

Hey! It looks like he LOVED that cake!!:) Nummy licious! You are looking hot, mama!! Love this post. xoxo

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