Sunday, April 20, 2014

Hopping down the Bunny trail

What a beautiful day we had for Easter this year!!!  It was warm.  The sun was shining.  The Bunny came.  And our Lord and Savior lives!!!

Despite all the commercialization our society puts on holidays, I made sure that Ford understood that we don’t celebrate Easter because of eggs, candy, rabbits, toys, and such.  We went over Jesus dying on the cross and rising again three days later.  He gets it.  And I want to make sure he always does.  

Ford's stash
 John Brantley's stash
 This was honestly way too much.   What was that Bunny thinking????
 Ford woke up before John Brantley, but we wouldn't let him come out.  We wanted them to both be awake and video them coming out together.  Since Bitty was still a bit groggy he wasn't as quick moving as Ford. 
 There is a show Ford is obsessed with on the On Demand channels called “Octonauts” .  There is a specific toy at Wal-Mart that we HAD TO look at every time we went.  Ford REALLY REALLY wanted this for his birthday on May 1.  Fortunately, the Bunny came through and delivered it for Easter.   My child has been on cloud 9 all day!
 Who needs toys when you can have candy????
 Praise God for NERDS!!!!!!!
 Daddy reading Bitty his new animal book.
 Pure cuteness
 After they played, ate, and bathed, we took some pictures outside.  Or let me rephrase… I attempted to take some pictures outside.


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