Sunday, April 13, 2014

A special day for my mom

I've told y’all before that I love people and learning about them.  I find people fascinating.  When you get to know others often times a friendship will develop that can last for decades. 

My mom grew up in Jackson, MS, and went to Ole Miss after graduation.  The years 1971-1975 she lived in Oxford and spent a lot of time with her Tri-Delta friends.  Now, we all know once we get married, start working, and have children that it’s harder to get together with your friends on a regular basis.  Well, some of my mother’s sweet friends wanted to celebrate their friendship over lunch and spend some time with her.   This past Saturday was the date and the location was the Tri-Delta house in Oxford!
 Some of these sweet ladies I knew, and others I did not.  However, I wanted to drive over and thank them for coming to see my mother and making her feel special for the day.

Now that I’m older and not a 19 year old who thought she knew it all, I think it’s really neat that my mother and I were both Tri-Delts at Ole Miss and both lived in that same house.  
 I also think it’s amazing that my great grandmother (my granddaddy’s mom) was also a Tri-Delt and this mirror over the mantle was hers. 
Now my dad also attended Ole Miss, but he wasn't a Tri-Delta, no no.  I’m sure he wishes he was, but he frequented the Sigma Chi house.  He, of course, had to drive my mother over to Oxford.  I’m pretty sure they are attached at the hip!!!    
 So these sweet ladies, who have been friends for over 40 years now, drove or flew to Oxford to celebrate their friendship.  One of her friends, whom I had never met, had her manicurist paint her nails with the pancreatic cancer sign.  I thought that was so thoughtful.   
 Cathy, Mary, Elizabeth, mom, Mary, and Rebecca   
The lady in the white jacket next to mom is the one who painted her fingernails.  I had never met her, but we had conversed on Facebook and she also wears a “Keep the Faith” bracelet like I do that I sent her in the mail. 

Close friends are truly life's treasures. Sometimes they know us better than we know ourselves. With gentle honesty, they are there to guide and support us, to share our laughter and our tears. Their presence reminds us that we are never really alone.”   Vincent van Gough

Thank God for friends!!!!

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