Friday, January 24, 2014

The Interview- Year 3

Two years ago on January 22, 2012, I asked Ford a series of questions and miraculously, last year on January 22, 2013, I did it again.  Now I knew it was time for “the interview” again, but we were gone to Jackson and I just couldn't stress myself out.  Yes, my OCD tendencies are in full effect, but I hope this won’t happen again and next year I will interview him on the correct day!!!

What is your name?  Ford
Do you have any other names?  Ummmm Lamar
What is your favorite color?  Green and blue
Who is your best friend?   Anna Katherine
What is your favorite animal?   Horses… and I like to ride horses too
What do you want to be when you grow up?  Football player, astronaut, farmer, and basketball plaeyer
What is your favorite movie?   Space Adventure (Mickey Mouse)
What is your favorite book?   Ones about Space
What makes you happy?   Momma
What makes you sad?   When people be ugly to me
What is your favorite food?   Hamburgers, chicken nuggets, and French fires
What is your favorite song?   Crocodile Rock and Pumped Up Kicks
What is your favorite game?   baseball
What is your favorite toy?   Rockets and astronauts
Can you write your name?

You can see 2012 here and 2013 here if you’d like to recap!

1 comment:

Lauren and Nick Miller said...

Love this:) I may be copying & do the same with Reid!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...