Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Melted Snowman Water

Bitty isn't going to get a lot of face-time on this blog since it’s mostly about Ford’s Christmas party at school.  But before we begin the festivities let’s take a visit to Monday.  This was Ford’s last week of school before he was “dismissed” for the break.  They did fun things all week, one of which was having Santa to visit them.  His teacher told me we could come up there and enjoy the fun too.  Mrs. Laura gave John Brantley his very own bell necklace that he wore for 12 seconds.  
 Ford is slightly stressing me out with his Christmas list.  For about two months he said he needed three things: a space helmet, train table, and a bigger bike.  Well, within the last week or so he has dropped off the train table and bike and now wants: a space helmet, space boots, space gloves, a space pack with air in it so he can breathe on Mars, and an Ipad.  I mean what!!?????  So apparently he’s telling Santa all about it in these pictures.   
 John Brantley was doing the head shake saying “No!  Negative!  Not going!” when I asked him if he wanted to sit in Santa’s lap.  HOWEVER, when he learned that “candy” was involved he soon changed his tune.
I think I've mentioned it before, but I am the homeroom mom in Ford’s class, and with that title comes the responsibility of being in charge of some of his class parties.  Today was the Christmas party which I had a lot of fun getting ready for.  No, I didn't do all of the food alone, several other mothers helped me out!!!
 I borrowed some of Puddin’s Christmas décor too!!!
Ford and I had so much fun making reindeer food.  There’s nothing like some oatmeal and glitter to mess your kitchen up real good!!!!
Mrs. Laura is giving the children their instructions on making the gingerbread houses.  
 My favorite 4 year old!!!!!!
 Putting the snow on...
 And the finished product!
Ford and his friend, Caroline 
After their houses were complete it was time to start wrapping their own Christmas presents.  I was skeptical of this activity, but Mrs. Laura (smart woman that she is) had already measured out all of the wrapping paper.    
He wraps better than me!
 After the wrapping was complete, it was time to eat some snacks.  I thought it all looked delicious, but the kids had other things on their minds.  All they were concerned with was the PRESENTS they just wrapped. 
 Reindeer milk and melted snowman water
 Jack, Ford, and Hayden
 After they all ate 1-2 bites they could hardly stand it anymore.  It was presents time!!!!
 This is his, "I'm pleased and WOW! face."
 Next, it was time to hand out the reindeer food….
 Veazey, Ella Grace, Caroline, Jack, and Ford grabbing some more snacks at the end of the party.
 Ford and Ann Parker
 Mrs. Kristy and Ford
 Mrs. Laura and Ford
What a fun morning we had celebrating at his school.

And let’s end with his school picture!!!  

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...