Thursday, November 7, 2013

Ford is 4.5!!!!

Jefferson Hannaford “Ford” Lamar

It seems like I always do a good job of documenting John Brantley’s monthly milestones, yet I completely neglect poor Ford.  On November 1, Ford was 4 ½ years old.  I want to remember some things about my big boy too.
Weight: 35 pounds- 23rd percentile
Height: 41.5 inches- 45th percentile
Shoe Size- 10
Clothes size: pants size 4, shirts 4 or 5
Favorite Foods:
For breakfast he loves: cinnamon rolls, sausage biscuits, or sausage muffins.  On special occasions we might get McDonalds and he prefers a sausage biscuit and a hash brown.  If we venture to the Donut Shop he likes a donut with sprinkles and a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit from there.
For lunch he prefers: a lunchable, mac-n-cheese, a sandwich, pizza, Rio Lindo, or chicken nuggets and fries.
For snacking foods he likes: chips, nuts, goldfish, “redsticks” (the club crackers with cheese in the 4 pack), granola bars, Oreos, pistachios, popsicles, cheese, cookies, etc.
For supper he gets whatever we cook!!!
Candy: his ALL time favorite is sweet-tarts.  He also likes gum, Nerds, Smarties, Twix, suckers, Rolos, M&M’s, peppermints, etc.
 Favorite TV Shows: #1 is definitely Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  He also likes Handy Manny, Chuggington, Sesame Street, The Cat in the Hat, Dinosaur Train, Little Einstein’s, etc.  I am pretty strict on the TV.  I like to monitor what he watches and how much TV he watches.  I feel safe leaving the room with the PBS channel on and that’s about it!

Favorite Activities: Ford loves to be outside.  He enjoys riding his toy 4-wheeler and of course pretending to drive the real one too.  He likes riding his bike, scooter, and playing in the sandbox.  He is obsessed with his Legos.  He has the tiny kind that can build different trucks and machines.  He could spend hours at the table “following the directions” and building.  He likes “family fun day” when we all play and wrestle in the bed.  He likes having friends over, going to Jackson, the zoo, the children’s museum, Chuck E Cheese, playing t-ball and soccer, and helping me cook.  He is infatuated with anything to do with rockets, space, planets, etc.  He likes to dress up in his astronaut costume and pretend to “blast off”.  He loves tractors, going to church, seeing family members, and school. 

The other night Ford was asking about piercing ears.  We got into a discussion about earrings and I told him some people wear clip-on earrings.  That intrigued him.  He decided to test some out….
 Personality Type:  Ford is NOT shy and loves to talk, talk, talk.  However, if you put him in a situation with a lot of people in an unfamiliar place he tends to act withdrawn and shy.  He is extremely inquisitive and asks so many questions that I often times want to lose my mind.  I try my best to answer him, but some things are so deep that I don’t even know where to begin.
He is a worrier.  He worries constantly about things.  He worries about being in the dark and is afraid of his room at night.  He worries if people are sick, crying, or hurting.  He worries that if it rains the dirt will turn into mud and we might get stuck.  The child worries in advance about “what COULD happen”.
He is tender hearted.  Ohhhhhh is he ever!  He gets this from his Daddy.  If I were to cry it’s a 100% chance that Ford would cry too.  He loves life and people, but again, he worries.  He cares deeply for others and will say the sweetest prayers for those in need.
He’s smart.  Often times Trey and I have said he is too smart for his own britches.  He figures things out and asks too many questions.  Soon we won’t be able to spell things because he will know what we are talking about.  He desperately wants to learn and know who everyone is, where everything is, and how everything works.  Ford is OCD.  He must have all of his ducks in a row.  Things must be neat and tidy or he can’t seem to function right!!
 He’s sweet.  He loves his Momma.  He constantly wants to be held, hugged, kissed, and cuddled.  He is such a good big brother.  I have been beyond impressed and pleased with how he treats and helps John Brantley.  He hugs and loves on his brother even when he bites him!
 Future Plans:  Ford wants to be a lot of things.  He wants to be a farmer, an astronaut, a lawyer, and last week a teacher.

Sleeping Habits:  Ford rarely naps anymore.  He goes to bed at night anywhere between 7:00-8:00.  He falls asleep in our bed and then we move him to his bed when we go to sleep.  He gets up about 6:30 in the mornings.

Other likes:  The color green.  Watching Mickey Mouse episodes on Trey’s Ipad, pretending to drive my car, playing at the park, painting, dressing up in hunting clothes and “pretending” to hunt in the yard, playing with his cousins, singing about Jesus, reading books, looking at animals, planets, or mud riding  on the computer, and drinking Sprite.
He wants: a sister, a real gas 4-wheeler, to go to Mars, a tractor, a leaf blower of his own, an astronaut helmet, and to meet Mickey Mouse and the gang.

Nicknames:  Willis, Clyde, Fordster, Fordman, and My Precious Angel

He’s been to: The beach 5 times, Park City, Utah, Huntsville, Alabama, Pickwick Lake, and other not so exciting places around the state of MS.
Ford brings so much life and happiness to our home.  It is almost impossible to remember life before our little talker.  The Lord really knows how to choose the right parents and children to match together.  I am so thankful that he chose me to be his mother during his time on Earth.  I pray that he will love the Lord with all of his heart and do great things in his life.  I love you little buddy!!!


Maria said...

I can't believe you left Sebastopol and "The Creek" off the exciting places Ford has visited! HA!

Miss y'all like crazy.

Kim Sandidge said...

Ford is a perfect age for Disney... not so sure about JB, but Ford would love it!! You should start looking at that for the future... HA!

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