Monday, November 11, 2013

I'm a busy little bee

It seems like there are weeks in my life where I am trying to figure out an activity for the boys and I to do, and then there are other weeks that I am trying to keep my head above water.  No, I don’t have a “job” that provides an income, but I tend to keep myself very busy.  This week is one of those busy weeks.

On Saturday, Trey and I decided to go to the Ole Miss vs. Arkansas game.  We both wanted to stay at home and enjoy the day in Mayberry, but the chancellor had sent us tickets to sit in his box so we couldn't miss that opportunity.  One could get use to some VIP treatment. 
Sunday morning I was up bright an early getting ready to head back to Oxford for a baby shower.  One of my childhood friends and college roommates is having a sweet baby boy next month and we showered her and sweet baby K.  He is still unnamed!!!! 
 Not only were Taylor and I roommates in college and in each other’s’ weddings, but so were our mothers. 
Now we are up to Monday.  Today is Veteran’s Day and it was also Grandparents’ Day at Ford’s school.  I decided that I would sign up to be the homeroom mother and the chairman of a lot of parties.  I didn’t realize when doing so that they really decorate for parties at his school.  It’s not like bring a bag of Doritos and a thing of dip kind of parties.  So naturally, in true Jill fashion, I stressed over this party.  When I stress over stuff like this I call Puddin and she always saves the day.  She loaded me up with festive fall décor and I got to work.  I think I did an okay job on my refreshments table.   
 Ford should have won a prize.  He had the most family there.  Here he is with his Great-Grandmother, Bobba.  Bobba is Puddin’s mother.
 Next we have Ford with Puddin and Pops.
 And thankfully, Gran was feeling well enough to come today.  Ford is with his Gran and BoomPa here.
 For some reason Ford kept doing the “land shark” during his Grandparent’s Day program!
 Daddy even made a debut at the program.   
I am sooooooo thankful that I get to attend special things that my children are involved in.  This is precious time for me and I treasure these sweet moments.  I still haven’t gotten over the fact that I missed “Meet the Teacher” when he was in 2K two years ago.  I still disturbs me to this day.  And for that very reason I plan to attend every single thing I possible can!    

After the party I decided we needed to head to our church.  There is a beautiful ginkgo tree right out front that is absolutely gorgeous for about 1 week.  I always go and take pictures and I decided today was the day.  I think my blood pressure went up a good bit trying to get them to cooperate.      
 And here’s the tree!!!  I was just admiring it, and it might only be me, but I think I see something.  Look at the top right… It almost looks like an outline of an angel.  It’s much brighter in one area at the top.  It’s probably just me, but I promise the Lord has been showing me signs left and right since my mom found out she had pancreatic cancer.
 I personally think that John Brantley already has learned how to do things that will tick Ford off.  We have two great sippy cups that don’t leak!  Ford’s favorite colors are green and blue so that’s his cup.  John Brantley is the red headed step child so he gets the leftovers.  Therefore, he has the yellow and orange cup.  Today he ran over to the frig and started going, “Uhhh Uhhh” at the refrigerator door.  I opened it and he climbed up and helped himself to two drinks!
 A few weeks ago we went to Tupelo and had John Brantley’s hands and feet done at a pottery place in Tupelo.  I just got it back this week and it turned out great!!!  I am so glad I have these done for both boys!
 Please pray for their Gran tomorrow as she will have her second chemo treatment.  She is a trooper and is fighting this hardcore.  The treatments are tough so please pray for comfort, peace, strength, an appetite, energy, and complete healing.  I have been wearing a bracelet that says, “Keep the Faith” and I pray for my mom numerous times a day.  I am asking that you pray for complete healing for her too.  She’s such a special woman and I know she CAN and WILL beat this terrible disease.


Christy said...

Praying for your mom.

Christy said...
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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...