Saturday, November 16, 2013

Bitty man is 17 months

I definitely use to do better of documenting John Brantley’s monthly milestones on the correct day, but it just didn't get done on time.  He turned 17 months on the 13th of this month.  Our life is action packed to say the least, but we wouldn't have it any other way.  
 Some things I want to remember about John Brantley at 17 months:
Weight: around 20-21 lbs.
Clothes: 12-18 months
Shoes: size 4-5
Diapers: Size 3
Naps:  He still takes two naps a day!!!!!
Bedtime: is around 7:00-7:30  
 John Brantley doesn't talk.  He says very few words: Momma, Da-da, Bye Bye, Deta.  He understands about 95% of what we say to him.  Even though he can’t talk, he communicates his needs and wants very quickly and easily with all his squealing.  He gets that from me!!!
 Ford at the same age, in the same outfit, and both riding Trey’s tractor!
 John Brantley has never had a haircut, as you can tell.  His eyes are blue, and he has about 14 teeth.  He never took a bottle or a pacifier.  He sleeps with his old sleep sack for something to love on.
John Brantley is a BAD eater.  He won’t eat fruit or many vegetables, but he loves meat.  His absolute favorite would be sweets and other not so healthy junk food.
He is a strong willed child.  He can throw a fit at the drop of a hat and make you think he is being beaten.  Spankings don’t always work with him.  Sometimes tough love works the best.
He loves his brother and tries to do whatever Ford does.  John Brantley doesn't have a lot of toys that are “his own” so he upsets Ford when he messes with his stuff.  John Brantley is wild and rough and Ford is much more careful with his things.
He acts goofy….
 He loves bath time, tractors, outside, balls, animals, trains, candy, chips, pretending to drive my car, riding 4-wheelers, dancing to music, playing with toys, the sandbox, hiding under his bed, Capri Suns, milk, sweets, and anything that looks new and exciting.
When John Brantley gets really excited he will squeal, start dancing around kind of in a spin motion on his toes, he will run and swing his right arm while doing so, or make an excited sound and do his tongue in and out (this usually involves food). 
He doesn't like for me to leave him.  I think we are going through the separation anxiety stage.  I don’t like to see him upset, but it’s good for us to have time apart. 

John Brantley is fearless.  He isn't scared of anything.  He has a high tolerance for pain too.
He is never called by the right name.  His name is John Brantley Lamar.  However, he is often referred to as: John, John Branson, John Bradley, James Brantley, John Michael, Brantley, etc.  Since Trey thinks his long hair is MARVELOUS, he is called a girl about 90% of the time. 
 He has a dimple on his right cheek, and a birth mark on the back of his head at his hair line.  He has a dimple on his chin and long eye lashes like Trey.
 He loves: to be held, for his momma to rock him, to be tickled, when Trey comes home from work, and to go places.

If someone takes off their shoes he will pick them up and bring them to you.  He hates sitting still to have his fingernails cut or his hair dried.  
 We love our precious Bitty!!!!!!!!!!!

And not to forget our Fordman….

He had cowboy day at school.  I believe the hat and bandana were gone before he got out of the carpool line!  The child loves school and tells me important things that happened each day.  For example: what helper he got to be (line leader, snack helper, flag holder, helping with the calendar, or telling about the weather).  I also hear who did the bad stuff in his class, that he got 5 squirts of soap in the bathroom, if anyone cried etc.  
 He is SUCH a sensitive child.  The other day I started singing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and he CRIED!!!  He was upset the other reindeer were mean to Rudolph.  He requested to never hear that one again.  Mother fail!!!!!  He was riding in the car with a friend last week and they watched a Mickey Mouse episode.  Pluto ran away from Mickey Mouse on the show.  When he got home he started telling me all about the show.  Then he BROKE DOWN!!!  He said, “All Mickey wanted for Christmas was for Pluto to come back home!!!!”
 Ford is such a homebody.  I think he’d stay home and never go anywhere for weeks at a time and be perfectly content.  He likes running around in his underwear and watching shows and playing with his Legos. 
 Ford has a slight lisp when it comes to words with an “L”.  I personally think it’s precious!  He promises to always be my baby and cuddle with me.  I’ll be crushed when he stops wanting my attention 24/7.
 Words can’t describe how much I love being a mom.  I am in awe that God gave me two children to love and raise while they are on this Earth.  There is no greater joy for me than to be a stay at home mom and love on my babies.

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