Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Round two of 3K here we come!!!!

Teachers dread the summer break coming to a close and parents love it.  They can’t wait to send their little ones back into the schools to learn and give them some relief.  I do need some relief because Ford has become super clingy this summer, but I am also sad to see him go.

We have REALLY been talking up going to school.  He’s at a new school this year and he has been very excited about discussing it.  As I mentioned in an earlier post, we chose to let Ford repeat 3K.  He is plenty bright, that isn't the reason.  Ford is young.  He has a May birthday.  We aren't in any rush for him to grow up so we decided holding him back would be best.  So when he goes to college he will be a year older and hopefully a year wiser!
 My child was so excited about going to school.  We got there 20 minutes early!!!!
I could EAT HIM UP in that uniform!
 Headed to the car…. He was over the photo shoot.
 We stopped by the office to pick up Daddy so he could partake in the first day of school “drop off”.
 Enough already, Mom!
 In his classroom…. (Bitty was ready for his nap).
 Ford’s stuff!
I stuck a note in with his snack….

 We made cookies for his teachers.
 His cubby
 Mrs. Laura helping his put his stuff away…
 Ford and Mrs. Laura…. (Mrs. Kristy wasn't in the room for a picture).
We are excited to be at our new school, Magnolia Heights!!!  Go CHIEFS!!!!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...