Monday, August 12, 2013

Another month older

I did a very good job of documenting each month of John Brantley’s first year.  However, at 13 months I failed.  That was during our 11 day hiatus to the beach, and by the time we got home and I blogged about the beach 3 times we left to be hippies out west.
So now here we are at 14 months.  Bitty might be the spunkiest child I have ever met.  He makes hilarious faces, noises, and high-pitched squeals.  So far he has only said: De-ta (Delta, our dog), Da-da (for Daddy), Ma-ma (Me!) and he makes the “F” sound... ffffffff (for Ford).  Even though he is extremely limited in the verbal department, he seems to get his point across to us just fine.
 He loves books.

Weight: About 20-21 lbs.
Clothes: Mostly 12 months and a few 18 months
Diapers: Luvs size 3
Shoe size: 3
Teeth: 7…. We FINALLY got another bottom tooth this week!!!!  John Brantley hadn't gotten a tooth since he was 8 months old.
Naps: 9:00-10:45 and 1:15-3:00 (times may vary).  He hugs a sleep sack when I put him to bed.
Bedtime: between 7:00 and 7:30.  He finally started sleeping through the night at 13 months!!!
Favorite foods: Mexican rice and grilled chicken, cereal, granola bars, sausage muffins, French fries, puffs, yogurt melts, goldfish, squeeze apple sauces with Tigger on front, chips, pizza, and ANYTHING sweet.  He has a sweet tooth the size of Texas.
Milk:  I nursed John Brantley until July 24th, which made him 13 months and 11 days old.  He now drinks whole milk.
Juice:  John Brantley normally only gets water and milk.  Juice tends to hype him up, and he definitely doesn’t need any help in that department. 
Likes: outside, animals, bikes, tractors, pretend driving things, playing in the sandbox, balls, remotes, telephones, swimming, bath time, turning flips in the bed, playing chase (I’m going to get you), books, suckers, Ford, his momma and daddy, all of his grandparents, trains, snacks, DRINKS, stuffed animals, and feeding himself using a fork or spoon.

Dislikes: me dropping him off in the church nursery, someone else going outside and leaving him inside, changing clothes, changing a diaper, me putting him in his bed and not rocking, shots, vegetables, fruit, most food, and having his fingernails cut.
Yes, he has a bobby pin in his hair!!!!
John Brantley also has a shoe fetish.  Not so much that he wants to wear shoes, but he is constantly getting my shoes or Ford’s shoes and taking off with them.

Delta isn’t too fond of either of my boys.  However, she tends to appear rather closely to their sides during meal times.  She knows that John Brantley will feed her.  It really grosses me out when he gives Delta a bite and then finishes his snack.

And some Ford news….
Well, he’s now been to 3 days of his new school.  He seems to love it and for that I am so grateful.  You never know with Ford.  If the wind blows in a funny direction his mood can change and he’s difficult to deal with.  He has a small class, only a total of 10 children.  That would be a dream job for me!!!!  I am used to having 24.  But then again, 3 year olds are HUGELY different than 9 year olds. 

The other day Ford and I were discussing something and he didn't say “Yes ma’am”.  I said…
Me: “Where are your manners?”
Ford: “They went off.”
Me: “Well you better turn them back on.”
Ford: “The electricity went out on my manners!”
*** He’s such a smartie.

He’s in touch with his feminine side.  
Sunday night we went to eat with some friends.  Ford and Cooper are the same age and had a blast riding 4 wheelers in the mud after the rain.  John Brantley enjoyed licking the water puddles.  Ohhhh how I love my boys!  
 Before church on Sunday….

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