Monday, June 17, 2013

Field trip to Jackson

In my younger years I always looked forward to summer break.  There were so much freedom, sun shine, vacations, sleeping late etc.  I still love summer, don’t get me wrong but I don’t get to relax and sleep as much as I did in my youth.  This morning my wakeup call was at 5:40.  John Brantley was ready to rip and tear.

It’s hard to entertain Ford all the time.  Mayberry has limited resources for play and I often run out of “free” ideas.  He has been begging me to go to Jackson to stay with Puddin while she is there at work.  Last week we loaded up and headed south.  It only took me two days to pack all of our stuff.  I like to be sure we have everything we could possibly need.  I did drop the ball in the medicine department.  Last Monday night Bitty yelled A LOT.  On Tuesday I had to find a doctor to take him to and sure enough he had a double ear infection. 

They love Puddin’s big bath tub.
 Back earlier in the year when Trey was in session we visited Jackson more often and bought a yearlong family pass to the children’s museum.  They currently have a Bob the Builder exhibit and we had to check that out!
 Do you ever shop at Kohl’s?  I love that store.  Not as much as my mom loves it, but there are strong feelings there.  Ford wears a size 3 bottoms and a size 4 top and Kohl’s lets you mix and match sizes and styles.  I got his outfit there and they were $5.99 apiece.  I like a bargain!
 Do you see Ford’s friend in the background?
 Ford climbed up on top of a truck and that guy went after him like white on rice.  I think he decided they would be big buddies so he wouldn't do anymore climbing.  Ford was good with it!
 We met our buddies, the Wilson’s, at the museum.  Rhodes and John Brantley are very close in age as well as big brothers, Ryder and Ford.
 My days pretty much revolve around John Brantley’s napping schedule.  I am the nap Nazi too.  He will have a nap.  We don’t skip naps because a complete and utter meltdown will occur if he doesn't have one.  With that being said, we had limited time inside the museum.  We packed our bathing suits and played on the splash pad before heading back to Puddin’s.
 We went back for naps and then met Puddin and Miss Taylor at the Natural Science Museum for a tour of the reptiles that are on display until January. 
Checking the sights out with the binoculars 
 We got home and had a busy weekend with birthday parties and baby showers.  Sunday was Father’s Day, church, and we cooked for my parents.
 He may only have 6 teeth, but he can still gnaw on a bone with the big boys!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...