Sunday, June 23, 2013

Goggles and a Snorkel

 Well the Mississippi summer weather is officially here.  It’s been H.O.T. in Mayberry and we've had to redneck it up a bit in the backyard.  The other day I decided we needed to bathe the dog and the next thing I know JB has no clothes on and Ford is down to his Batman undies and we are in the pool.
 It’s amazing to me how little ones know what to play with.  I have two nieces and they have loved baby dolls and all things girly from day 1.  No one taught them to do those things, they just knew.  John Brantley loves to drive cars around on the floor, and is quite good at it too might I add!
My dad, BoomPa, is from a VERY small town in the east central part of the state.  He’s from Sebastopol.  That would be Scott county, population…not many.  I've been visiting “The Pool” since I was -9 months and always enjoy seeing my family there.  It’s sad to go back now since my Nanny died almost 3 years ago.  It’s been a while since I have gotten to go, so we packed up and headed to the Anthony Family Reunion this weekend.  John Brantley had never been to Sebastopol so this was a big trip.

Ford loves to go.  My uncle has a tractor and horses and he thinks it’s the best thing since sliced bread.  I sent warning that Uncle Pettey needed to rest up before Ford got a hold of him!  Saturday morning they headed out to the tractor.
 Bitty does NOT feel the same way about tractors that Ford does.  Needless to say, he didn't participate in the ride.
 Closer to lunch we headed to the reunion.  This area of the state is famous for chicken houses.  Have you ever smelt of a chicken house?  It’ll leave a lasting impression on the old nostrils if so.  I believe Ford had just gotten a whiff. 
 Ford has really been into picture taking lately.  He is requesting that I take his picture more often now.  He needed to document that he ate his lunch next to his cousin, Grant.   
 Bitty and Gran   
 Bitty and BoomPa   
 After a weekend of rural country life we headed home.  This was my view for 2 ½ hours….   
 If I could I would throw that phone OUT THE WINDOW!   
 I’m all about promoting a business that I like.  Now Sebastopol is SMALL people,(I’d say the population is between 500-700 folks)  but they actually have a few cute shops.  One of which was a fudge place.  I love chocolate.  It’s definitely a weakness of mine.  Well, I decided to check out a few of the shops in town and my last stop was Spoon Fudge!
It was a little tiny shop with sweet goodness inside.  The ladies would let you sample any and all of the flavors that were available that day, and Gran and I had a few.  The lady said they actually started out as an internet business and then opened a store.  I bought several of these tiny sample sizes, but they also had much larger ones to choose from.  So, if you like sweets this might be worth your while.
 We got ready a few minutes before church and ran outside to take some pictures.  Bitty wore shoes for the shoot, but quickly whipped those suckers right off.  Now shoes for him, thanks!
 This afternoon Trey and John Brantley took a nap and Ford and I went and contributed some funds to Sam Walton’s franchise, Wal-Mart.  My grand total is always much higher when Ford is in tow, because he “needs” stuff.  Today he “needed” some goggles and a snorkel.  It really doesn't get much cooler than this kid right here!
 Action shot…
 John Brantley has short legs.  It looks like he has on capri pants!
 Fancy even did some tricks.
 My boys!!!!
 Ford loves to be thrown in the air.
I love to hear that people read my blog.  Last summer I was in Chic-fil-a (in another town) and before we left a cute young girl stopped me and asked if I had a blog.  I told her I did and she asked if my child’s name was Ford.  I said it was.  She said, “Ohhh I love your blog!”  I didn't know her, but I had a celebrity moment there!  I have been informed by other people in person that I don’t know that they read my blog, and also by people I do know that I didn't know tuned into The Lamar's.  I love to know who reads about us so let me know! 

Goodnight to all….


Felicia said...

Sister you KNOW I'm a faithful follower.
Looks like John Brantley has gone from baby to big boy over night.
We need a blogger reunion to sew, craft, or chat.
Plan it up. :)

Jamie @ The Jamie's + 1 said...

I LOVE reading your blog. I have a little boy who is 9 months old so I like to see how him and John Brantley are alike!! Please feel free to follow my blog at - Thanks for blogging!!! Have a great day! :)

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...