Saturday, June 29, 2013

Bit the dust

I am a creature of habit.  I am very predictable.  I don’t like change.  I prefer for things to run smoothly, stay the same way, nothing too exciting to happen, and things to just be normal.  I would not put myself in the spontaneous category because that takes away from my Type A planning mode. 

On Thursday I experienced change.  My washing machine bit the dust and low and behold I needed a new one.  Fancy was in Jackson since the governor had called a special session.  I called him in a small panic that my washer was dead.  He was eating, of course, and said we’d talk about it later.  Negative, we would not talk about it later.  I don’t see how people back in the day lived without a washer.  I run mine 2-4 times a day and I needed a washer pronto. 

After Bitty’s nap I went to a local store to check out the washers.  I had big plans to buy the exact washer I had, a Maytag, but they didn't have mine.  Of course not… mine was 8 years old.  I DO NOT like making big decisions without Trey.  He is very thorough.  He reads everything, touches it, knocks on it, asks questions etc.  I didn't have time for all of that.  Ford was pushing Bitty around the store in his stroller like a wild Indian and when he wasn't doing that he was touching everything and Bitty was yelling. 

Being old school, I didn't get a fancy pants front loader.  I went with the basic, white, top loader.  I’m plain like that.  I got it home and I decided I did NOT love it.  Who knew I had to buy special “he” detergent.  Ughhhh!!!!!!!!  Change and Jill Lamar don’t mesh well.  I will live though!
 BIG NEWS!!!!  BIG NEWS!!!  This must be documented for June 25, 2013 marks a special occasion…. Bitty slept through the night.  And he has done so every night since.  It wouldn't be such a big deal, but for the past 12.5 months he HASN'T slept through the night.  We have done MANY hours of late night rocking, humming, feeding, and cuddling.  I love him and that special time, but my sleep is very important to me!  VERY!
 I think my kids are adorable; I’m not going to lie.  I do!!!  And when I dress them in matching pajamas it turns their adorableness up a bunch of notches!!!
 When I take Ford shopping with me my Wal-Mart bill automatically increases with unnecessary items that the child insists that he “needs”.  Trey needed some Round Up and I kept forgetting to buy it because I am bad not to make a list.  Therefore, that makes me have to make special trips to Wal-Mart to buy the junk I forget.  I brought my trusty side kick with me and when we hit the Garden center section of the store he found them: Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck yard gloves!  Yep, you guessed it.  He HAD TO have them.  He NEEDED them, bad!!!  I am a sucker and I thought $2.97 was doable so we got them.  They have been a big hit around here too.  He slept in them last Sunday night!  It’s the little things in life you know!
 We have a lot of “family fun day” time in the bed.  Ford likes to get in either my bed or his bed and play.  Usually we do this before naps or before bed time.  When we have family fun day Bitty tends to lunge at us and bite.  We are having a hard time with him and his biting.  The word “NO” means nothing to him.  He has got to know it means NOT to do something because he hears it about 1,000 times a day.  I don’t think he gives a flying flip.  You can yell, spank, growl, pop, or whatever to him and he keeps biting.  IT HURTS!
 Doing a little yard work….
 My sweet babies picking up sticks so Trey could mow.

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Diet

Yes, I blogged yesterday, and yes, I am blogging again today.  Unfortunately, I don’t have any pictures to share or anything fun like that.  This blog is all serious, and all business… not really!!!!  Okay, so Trey came to me the other day and asked if I would do a 3 day diet/detox with him.  I said that I would with a bit of hesitancy in my voice.  He asked his buddy for the menu and this is what it entails…. 

3 Day Slim-Down Fast

              (bottle of 16oz, even better) Do not eat or drink anything else until you’ve had your first serving of water.
4oz serving of REGULAR V8 juice LOW SODIUM (half a glass)
Half grapefruit or full tangerine
10 almonds, 10 raisins (1 or the other, or BOTH)

8-20oz of lemon water, nothing else added
Remainder of grapefruit or tangerine from breakfast
5 hearty celery sticks (limited to 1 tbsp of peanut butter) or 1 slice of whole wheat bread w/ peanut butter ONLY (NO JELLY, ZERO JELLY!) for energy purposes only

Steamed cabbage (or spinach) or hot tomato soup that fits in a standard bowl
Glass of water or lemon water- nothing else added
Desert: HOT GREEN TEA or any herbal tea with Splenda or sugar substitute, yes you may use real honey

1 hot dog (without the bun) or 2 boiled eggs (protein purposes only)
Fiber 1 bar, granola, or protein bar

DINNER: (ensure that dinner is no later than 8pm)
Bowl of steamed broccoli (no cheese!) Good hearty bowl of broccoli
10 grapes permitted (no more than 10) Discipline! Discipline! Discipline!


3 Day Slim-Down Fast

              (bottle of 16oz, even better) Do not eat or drink anything else until you’ve had your first serving of water.
4oz serving of REGULAR V8 juice LOW SODIUM (half a glass)
2 boiled eggs with no added dressings or dips or condiments
10 blueberries or 10 raspberries

8-20oz of lemon water, nothing else added
1 full banana

BIG cup of hot herbal tea, green tea, whichever you prefer, with Splenda
Glass or bottle of water while eating lunch and drinking tea (room temp)
Soup of choice low in sodium and calories, no more than 200 calories and 18g carbs

1 protein bar of choice low in sugar, (limit 22g of sugar), may sub this with 1 slice of whole wheat toast with peanut butter on it (no more than 2 tbsp)
Bottle of water or lemon water. No crystal light (there is zero nutritional value)

DINNER: (ensure that dinner is no later than 8pm)
Bowl of steamed cabbage/spinach with lean turkey or beef (no more than 4 oz)
Big cup of hot tea with bottle of water (hydration!)

3 Day Slim-Down Fast

              (bottle of 16oz, even better) Do not eat or drink anything else until you’ve had your first serving of water.
4oz serving of REGULAR V8 juice LOW SODIUM (half a glass)
1 turkey dog or chicken dog or no higher than 4oz piece of clean/lean meat, unfried
1 kiwi or 5 strawberries

8-20oz of lemon water, nothing else added
1 full banana
1 tsp peanut butter

BIG cup of hot herbal tea, green tea, whichever you prefer, with Splenda
Glass or bottle of water while eating lunch and drinking tea (room temp)
1 full hearty bowl of veggies (your choice) pure vegetables, no other foods
Option of 1 slice of wheat toast or 5 wheat crackers

1 granola bar of choice (limit 20g of sugar and 150 calories)
Gatorade, Propel, Fuze, or other acceptable low calorie drink with electrolytes/salt

DINNER: (ensure that dinner is no later than 8pm)
Lean turkey and/or chicken (baked or sautéed) with diced onion, cabbage, and tomatoes (make enough for 1 full bowl) May add tasteful items like bell peppers, etc.
Big cup of hot tea with minimal Splenda

I am a picky eater.  I can’t deny or hide it.  I can force myself to eat nasty things when I have to at other people’s homes, but I really don’t think I can eat 2 boiled eggs.  I’d rather eat a spoonful of dirt straight from the yard.  It is making me gag to think about it.  I actually don’t like over 50% of the things on the list, but Trey and I are going to “attempt” this next week.  I’m hoping for big results!!!!  If you’d like to join in the fun and games just let me know.  I need a support system!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Goggles and a Snorkel

 Well the Mississippi summer weather is officially here.  It’s been H.O.T. in Mayberry and we've had to redneck it up a bit in the backyard.  The other day I decided we needed to bathe the dog and the next thing I know JB has no clothes on and Ford is down to his Batman undies and we are in the pool.
 It’s amazing to me how little ones know what to play with.  I have two nieces and they have loved baby dolls and all things girly from day 1.  No one taught them to do those things, they just knew.  John Brantley loves to drive cars around on the floor, and is quite good at it too might I add!
My dad, BoomPa, is from a VERY small town in the east central part of the state.  He’s from Sebastopol.  That would be Scott county, population…not many.  I've been visiting “The Pool” since I was -9 months and always enjoy seeing my family there.  It’s sad to go back now since my Nanny died almost 3 years ago.  It’s been a while since I have gotten to go, so we packed up and headed to the Anthony Family Reunion this weekend.  John Brantley had never been to Sebastopol so this was a big trip.

Ford loves to go.  My uncle has a tractor and horses and he thinks it’s the best thing since sliced bread.  I sent warning that Uncle Pettey needed to rest up before Ford got a hold of him!  Saturday morning they headed out to the tractor.
 Bitty does NOT feel the same way about tractors that Ford does.  Needless to say, he didn't participate in the ride.
 Closer to lunch we headed to the reunion.  This area of the state is famous for chicken houses.  Have you ever smelt of a chicken house?  It’ll leave a lasting impression on the old nostrils if so.  I believe Ford had just gotten a whiff. 
 Ford has really been into picture taking lately.  He is requesting that I take his picture more often now.  He needed to document that he ate his lunch next to his cousin, Grant.   
 Bitty and Gran   
 Bitty and BoomPa   
 After a weekend of rural country life we headed home.  This was my view for 2 ½ hours….   
 If I could I would throw that phone OUT THE WINDOW!   
 I’m all about promoting a business that I like.  Now Sebastopol is SMALL people,(I’d say the population is between 500-700 folks)  but they actually have a few cute shops.  One of which was a fudge place.  I love chocolate.  It’s definitely a weakness of mine.  Well, I decided to check out a few of the shops in town and my last stop was Spoon Fudge!
It was a little tiny shop with sweet goodness inside.  The ladies would let you sample any and all of the flavors that were available that day, and Gran and I had a few.  The lady said they actually started out as an internet business and then opened a store.  I bought several of these tiny sample sizes, but they also had much larger ones to choose from.  So, if you like sweets this might be worth your while.
 We got ready a few minutes before church and ran outside to take some pictures.  Bitty wore shoes for the shoot, but quickly whipped those suckers right off.  Now shoes for him, thanks!
 This afternoon Trey and John Brantley took a nap and Ford and I went and contributed some funds to Sam Walton’s franchise, Wal-Mart.  My grand total is always much higher when Ford is in tow, because he “needs” stuff.  Today he “needed” some goggles and a snorkel.  It really doesn't get much cooler than this kid right here!
 Action shot…
 John Brantley has short legs.  It looks like he has on capri pants!
 Fancy even did some tricks.
 My boys!!!!
 Ford loves to be thrown in the air.
I love to hear that people read my blog.  Last summer I was in Chic-fil-a (in another town) and before we left a cute young girl stopped me and asked if I had a blog.  I told her I did and she asked if my child’s name was Ford.  I said it was.  She said, “Ohhh I love your blog!”  I didn't know her, but I had a celebrity moment there!  I have been informed by other people in person that I don’t know that they read my blog, and also by people I do know that I didn't know tuned into The Lamar's.  I love to know who reads about us so let me know! 

Goodnight to all….

Monday, June 17, 2013

Field trip to Jackson

In my younger years I always looked forward to summer break.  There were so much freedom, sun shine, vacations, sleeping late etc.  I still love summer, don’t get me wrong but I don’t get to relax and sleep as much as I did in my youth.  This morning my wakeup call was at 5:40.  John Brantley was ready to rip and tear.

It’s hard to entertain Ford all the time.  Mayberry has limited resources for play and I often run out of “free” ideas.  He has been begging me to go to Jackson to stay with Puddin while she is there at work.  Last week we loaded up and headed south.  It only took me two days to pack all of our stuff.  I like to be sure we have everything we could possibly need.  I did drop the ball in the medicine department.  Last Monday night Bitty yelled A LOT.  On Tuesday I had to find a doctor to take him to and sure enough he had a double ear infection. 

They love Puddin’s big bath tub.
 Back earlier in the year when Trey was in session we visited Jackson more often and bought a yearlong family pass to the children’s museum.  They currently have a Bob the Builder exhibit and we had to check that out!
 Do you ever shop at Kohl’s?  I love that store.  Not as much as my mom loves it, but there are strong feelings there.  Ford wears a size 3 bottoms and a size 4 top and Kohl’s lets you mix and match sizes and styles.  I got his outfit there and they were $5.99 apiece.  I like a bargain!
 Do you see Ford’s friend in the background?
 Ford climbed up on top of a truck and that guy went after him like white on rice.  I think he decided they would be big buddies so he wouldn't do anymore climbing.  Ford was good with it!
 We met our buddies, the Wilson’s, at the museum.  Rhodes and John Brantley are very close in age as well as big brothers, Ryder and Ford.
 My days pretty much revolve around John Brantley’s napping schedule.  I am the nap Nazi too.  He will have a nap.  We don’t skip naps because a complete and utter meltdown will occur if he doesn't have one.  With that being said, we had limited time inside the museum.  We packed our bathing suits and played on the splash pad before heading back to Puddin’s.
 We went back for naps and then met Puddin and Miss Taylor at the Natural Science Museum for a tour of the reptiles that are on display until January. 
Checking the sights out with the binoculars 
 We got home and had a busy weekend with birthday parties and baby showers.  Sunday was Father’s Day, church, and we cooked for my parents.
 He may only have 6 teeth, but he can still gnaw on a bone with the big boys!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...