Friday, April 12, 2013

Just call him whatever!

John Brantley is 10 months old!  It seems like yesterday that we were a family of three and then again it’s hard to remember life without Bitty.  He truly brings so much joy and life to our family.  He is such a happy baby and rarely cries unless he’s hungry, tired, or I leave the room.  Here are some things I want to remember about him.

Weight:  18-19 pounds.  He was 18.1 lbs. 3 weeks ago.
Clothes:  Size 6-12 months
Diapers: size 3
Shoes: size 3-4
Naps/Sleeping:  two of them… times vary slightly, but usually from 8:00-10:00 and 1:00-3:00 (give or take 30 minutes here or there).
I feed him at 7:00 at night and put him to bed about 7:30 for the night.  He usually is up at or around 4:00 to eat again and then back to sleep until 6:30-7:00ish.
Teeth:  6.  He has 2 on the bottom and 4 on the top.
Walking:  Nope… he crawls really fast and will pull up on anything in sight.  He can stand alone without holding on to anything for several seconds and then he slowly sits down.  He has taken several steps behind a walker, but hasn't ever attempted to alone.
Talking:  He says “Ma ma” (That would be me!!!)  He calls anything that is furry a De-ta.  He definitely knows who our dog is, but any other dog, cat, or the critters hanging in Trey’s office are also called De-ta.  He says “Da-Da” for Trey and loves his Daddy.  This is very pleasing to Trey since Ford is such a Momma’s boy.

Food:  The child clearly loves to eat!!!  He is still being breast fed and isn't a huge fan of a bottle, but will tolerate one if he feels it’s his only option.  He has oatmeal mixed with ½ a fruit for breakfast.  Then he usually helps me eat my cereal when I have breakfast too.  He doesn't want anyone to eat alone!!!  For lunch he has a baby yogurt and a vegetable.  Sometimes he has ½ a vegetable.  If he starts spitting the food at me I know he’s done.  For supper he has ½ a fruit and a vegetable.  While we are eating supper I will also give him bites off of my plate too.  Eating really excites him and he starts SQUEALING for more.

Likes:  He loves Ford, Delta, his Momma and Daddy, outside, his red car, the stroller, balloons, the bathtub, playing in drawers, pushing cars on the floor, eating, suckers, animals, and food.

Dislikes: changing his diaper (he tolerates it though), cleaning his nose, being put in the car seat when that’s not on his agenda, being confined to a stroller, bouncy seat, or exersaucer while I am taking a shower, the sun being in his face, his Momma leaving the room, and getting dressed.

My child is a biter.  We love to play in the bed before naps or bedtime.  He is constantly rolling all over the place trying to bite Ford or me.  He is also big into pulling hair.  He has grabbed as many as 6 strands out of my head at once!  When he is in his bed and gets mad because I won’t come get him out he tries to take the pictures off the wall that hang over his bed!

He is still spitting up more than I think a 10 month old should.  Some days are worse than others.  He has started grinding his teeth.  I can’t handle it.  It reminds me of fingernails down a chalkboard.  He has a new sound that he makes really fast… I don’t know exactly how to type it but its like Tututututututu.

Sickness:  He is obviously going to have bad allergies because all of the pollen in the air right now is rough on him.  He’s had the stomach bug once and a random fever virus.

He has such a wild and spunky personality.  It really isn't that surprising to me since he was constantly twisting and kicking in my stomach.  You literally can’t take your eyes off of him for a minute.  He is into anything within reach.  Everything he finds goes straight to his mouth for a taste.  I have to sweep and vacuum the floors a ridiculous number of times each week to ensure that he doesn't eat bugs or dirt.

His name is John Brantley Lamar.  Yes, we all know that… or do we???  He is often called John, John Branson, John Bentley, or John Bradley.  I just give up trying to inform people that he does indeed go by a double name.  Just call him whatever!

June 13, 2012 - April 13, 2012 = 10 months

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