Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Bitty Crashed

I don’t have a lot to talk about (I know this pleases my mom…she says I write too much), but I do have a lot of pictures of my two cute subjects to share.

Last weekend the weather was fabulous so I opened the windows.  I found Ford sitting like this watching TV.

 We have had our property now for over 2.5 years.  We are spending a lot of time out there trying to figure out where to put a house.  Ford likes to bring his 4 wheeler and John Brantley must be contained in something, usually the wagon!
 Last weekend we went out to the new farm and had some friends come out there with us.  It’s impossible to take a picture of three kiddos.    Reid, John Brantley, and Ford

 Trey caught Ford a turtle on Saturday morning while he was turkey hunting.  Of course me being a germ FREAK, panicked and said that turtles carry diseases and I wouldn't let Ford touch it.  Trey told Ford we needed to let the turtle go.  The news was upsetting to Ford because he wanted to keep the turtle that I named Ricky.  We set Ricky free….
 Knock Knock….
 Ford is trying to catch up with Daddy on his 4 wheeler.  I can’t wait until we build our house and this will be my view every day!
The many faces of Bitty….

 This 4 wheeler is one of his favorite things!  I wonder how many miles he has gone already???
 Sitting on top of Daddy’s truck!
He loves goldfish.

 The other night Ford started jumping off of the potty.  He wanted me to document the occasion so I did so….
I have to strap John Brantley down when I am doing anything or he will get into everything he shouldn't.  Tonight while I was giving Ford a bath I put him in his seat.  Not too long later it crashed!!!!  He wasn't happy at all.  Now I need a new seat!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...