Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Interview

I was looking through my 2012 blog book that I got published and I noticed that on January 22, 2012, I had blogged and asked Ford some questions.  I decided I would interview him again today.
       What is your name?  Ford… F-O-R-D
Do you have any other names?  Yes, Jefferson Hannaford Lamar
What is your favorite color?  Green and blue
Who is your best friend?  Cade
What is your favorite animal?  Horse, cow, and pig
What do you want to be when you grow up?  A farmer
What is your favorite movie?  (He picked some shows he watches): Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Handy Manny, and Bob the Builder
What is your favorite book?  Otis
What makes you happy?  The sun
What makes you sad?  Spankings
What is your favorite food?  French fries and hamburgers
What is your favorite song?  Crocodile Rock
What is your favorite game?  My Leapster
What is your favorite toy?  Car carriers, muddy trucks, and clean tractors
Can you write your name?  Yes…

You can see his interview from last year right here….
 Yesterday John Brantley woke up and I fed him like normal.  I then changed his diaper and went to take my shower.  He sat in his bouncy seat and played.  Then I woke Trey up and asked him to come feed Bitty his oatmeal so I could go dry my hair.  Trey came back a few minutes later and said he was crying and wouldn't eat.  This can be a normal occurrence so I said, “Well, then don’t worry about feeding him."
 He was fussy and needy all morning and running a low grade temperature.  He has never had fever.  I tried to feed him at 8:00 and he wouldn't eat again.  I rocked him and he fell asleep.  I called the doctor and made an appointment for 11:00.  At 9:40 he was up to 102.2.

We got to the doctor and I went into full OCD panic mode when I saw how crowded the waiting room was.  Sick people were everywhere.  Now I know that John Brantley was sick too, but I really didn't want him or myself to catch anymore germs.  We finally got in a room and I explained what was going on.  The doctor said his ears and throat looked good.  His breathing sounded normal so his chest was good.  They decided to take a blood and urine sample.  The finger pricking was NOT FUN.  He was yelled, crying, screaming, grabbing me etc.  They poked and messed with him so much that when the doctors or nurses would come in he would hold on to me for dear life. 
They put a bag on Bitty to collect a urine sample and left the room.  They came back about 15 minutes later but he still hadn’t done anything.  By this time it was 12:00 so they told me to leave and go get lunch and come back when he had used the bathroom.  We went across the street to McAlister’s.  I ate and then checked his diaper to see if tee tee was in the bag.  Ohhhhh but what did I find instead…. Poop!  I panicked!!!  I took him into the bathroom at McAlister’s and found the baby changing station.  Now let’s get a visual image… McAlister’s bathroom, baby changing station out in the middle of the bathroom, JB yelling, me lugging a huge purse, car seat, and diaper bag… oh and my tea.  I lie John Brantley down and realize the urine bag has leaked and now tee tee is running all over him.  He’s yelling and people are coming in to go to the bathroom and staring.  It’s really disgusting!!!  I’m trying to clean Bitty up and then I decide I need to pull the bag off and “attempt” to pour the tee tee in the urine sample cup she sent with me.  WELL, wouldn't you know that when I am “trying” to pour it in some poop falls in there.  CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The urine is now contaminated!  I have to strip John Brantley down because he had a wardrobe malfunction, he’s screaming, I’m sweating, people are in and out and staring, and one woman is trying to talk to me!!!  NO NO NO… not a good time.  I’m to the point that I want to cry and then I think… Jill this is such a good blog story so I don’t!  I got Bitty all cleaned up and we headed to the car and back across the street to the doctor.  I told the nurse I wasn't leaving until he went in the bag and this time they could collect it themselves.  Finally about an hour later we got to leave.  He has a virus. 

 John Brantley weighed 16.1 pounds.  That is the same thing he weighed last month when we went for his 6 month checkup.  I weighed Ford tonight and he weighed 32.2 pounds.  Ford is exactly twice and big as John Brantley.

 Those sweet little eyes melt my heart.

 What every woman wouldn't do for those long eyelashes!!! 

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...