Monday, January 7, 2013

I have my reservation…. because I don’t want to go

I have my reservation…. because I don’t want to go

That’s an unusual title isn’t it?  “I have my reservation…because I don’t want to go”.  I will go ahead and tell you that this isn’t going to be your typical Jill blog.  There aren’t going to be pictures of the boys or funny stories of me picking on Fancy.  This is a serious blog about Salvation.
I’ve been going to church since I was -9 months old, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to Heaven.  I went to Bible school as a child and got baptized.  That doesn’t mean I’m going to Heaven.  I’ve attended women’s conferences, Sunday school, taught Bible school, been to revivals, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to Heaven.  But I’ll tell you what… I am going to Heaven.
Now I’ve kind of argued back and forth with God over the last 2 months about this blog.  I kept saying that my blogs aren’t normally “serious” or on the topic of God.  Maybe they should be sometimes.  I don’t know who all reads my blog.  Perhaps I can get someone’s head spinning, get someone involved in a church, or better yet help someone find salvation.
Back in August I started a Bible study called “Restore My Heart”.  In the last few months my Sunday school class did a study on a book called “Radical”.  There were several things from both studies that I want to add to my blog.
There are around 7 billion people in the world and according to the study we did in “Radical” about 4.5 billion are on the road that leads to eternal hell.  HELL PEOPLE!  I have been sitting with my Bible in my lap for the last 20 minutes flipping to different verses on Hell and almost all of them talk of “fire”.
MATTHEW 7: 13-14
13 “Enter through the narrow gate.  For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  14 “But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” 
There you go…. 7 billion people in the world and about 4.5 billion are headed to eternal hell.  That’s more than half!!!  A lot more than half! 
I had a conversation with Trey about this blog just last night.  I asked him, “Have you ever been around someone who has lost a loved one or is talking about someone passing away and ever heard them say that person went to hell?”  I haven’t.  I normally hear people saying that they are in a better place, they are at peace, they aren’t hurting anymore...etc.  NEWSFLASH… not everyone goes to Heaven.
ROMANS 8: 29-30
29 “For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.”  30 “And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.”
Some believe these verses mean that before the beginning of the world, God chose certain people to receive his gift of salvation.  They point to verses like Ephesians 1:11 that says we are “predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will.”  Others believe that God foreknew those who would respond to him and upon those he set his mark (predestined).  What is clear is that God’s purpose for people was not an afterthought; it was settled before the foundation of the world.  People are to serve and honor God.  If you have believed in Christ, you can rejoice in the fact that God has always known you.  God’s love is eternal.  His wisdom and power are supreme.  He will guide and protect you until you one day stand in his presence. 
“For many are invited, but few are chosen”.
ROMANS 10: 9
“That if you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised from the dead you WILL BE SAVED.”
ROMANS 10: 13
“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
I don’t want to go to spend eternity in hell.  I have my reservation in Heaven.  Ford talks about Heaven daily.  I remind him that Heaven is a perfect place.  No one is sick.  No one is sad.  It’s beautiful.  According to Revelation Heaven has 12 gates and with 12 angels at the gates.  There are 3 gates on the east, 3 gates on the north, 3 gates on the south, and 3 gates on the west.  Heaven is laid out like a square, as long as it is wide.  The walls are 72 yards thick and made of jasper and the city of pure gold as pure as glass.  The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone.  The great street of the city was of pure gold, like transparent glass. 
Doesn’t that sound beautiful?  Doesn’t it sound wonderful?  Don’t you want to be there for ETERNITY???  God loves YOU!  He sent his own son to die for YOU! 
If you aren’t positive that if you died today that you’d go to Heaven please ask God to come into your heart.  I want to see you in Heaven….


Maria said...

Great post. I have my reservation!

Claire Gillentine said...

Great Post. See you there.

Lauren and Nick Miller said...

Awesome post Jill! Most people are scared of talking about this subject, scared they will offend someone. I know I'm guilty of it! There is nothing more serious though!

Kimberly Roberts Moore said...

LOVE THIS! I will be seeing you there!!! It's scary to me how many people we won't be seeing there though:(

Unknown said...

Bless You Jill!
Hell Is Real.
Your Message is Important!
Thank you for your Conviction.

Justice and Jonathan Duhon said...

I LOVE this, Jill! I can't wait to join my loved ones in Heaven one day. What a perfect time to post, as the passing of my older brother happened 3 yrs ago on Jan. 12th. He passed in a car accident. Your post brought me to tears... but joyous tears knowing I will see him again one day, in such a perfect place.

Anonymous said...

Great words of wisdom. I wish more people, including myself, had the courage to talk more openly about God and the Golden Gates of Heaven.
Revelation 22:21
21 The grace of the Lord be with us all.

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