Thursday, January 17, 2013

I have a bucket list

Monday after Ford got out of school we loaded up and headed back to Jackson.  It was raining.  It was cold.  The rain was freezing.  I had ice on my car.  But… we went. 

You know it’s not every day that you can go to check out the governor’s mansion.  I got the guilt trip a lot last year that I wasn’t at different receptions and parties with Fancy while he was in session.  This year I have already gone down two different times, and I will also add that I was one of the only wives in attendance.  I had fun scoping out the mansion and joked with a friend about her coming to stay with me when Trey becomes governor.  Yeah right!!!!!  After the “social hour” at the mansion we went to dinner at the Mayflower with some other representatives compliments of a lobbyist.  Politics isn’t my thing, but a nice mediumly cooked filet is! (I know mediumly isn’t a word…It just sounded right).
While on our visits in Jackson, Ford likes to watch “mud trucks” on Puddin’s computer.
John Brantley is completely content eating whatever he can get his hands on.
Ms. Taylor always comes to visit and play with the boys.
Puddin has a whirl pool bathtub.  Ford likes to refer to it as a “hot pool”.  When we go to Destin he calls the hot tub down there a hot pool.  It makes good sense… it’s by the regular swimming pool, the water is hot, and usually the jets aren’t turned on… Hence a hot pool!
Well, apparently one of the jets isn’t working properly and it squirted Ford right in the face, shot water all over the wall, and soaked the floor.  I laughed.  And laughed.  And laughed.  After I cleaned up the mess I decided we needed to do it again so I could document the occasion. 
Ford showed me his hunting face mask this morning.  I don’t think he will be killing many deer this way!
John Brantley is sitting up so good.  He doesn’t crawl on his knees, yet he uses his arms and slides himself on his stomach.  It’s great… kind of like an army man crawl.
He is also working on pulling up.
As I have said before, Ford loves to talk about Heaven.  The other night while we were eating supper Ford told me that when he goes to Heaven he wants to be friends with Zacchaeus because he didn’t have any friends.  Several nights before Trey had read Ford the Bible story of Zacchaeus and I assume Ford was concerned that he needed some buddies.
John Brantley and I feel the SAME WAY about this cold weather….
I have been thinking of some things I’d like to do.  I have decided to make myself a 2013 “Bucket List” of achievable goals.  So far I only have 3….
1.        Kill a nice buck
2.       Learn how to water ski… I can snow ski, but not water ski
3.       Learn to drive a 5 speed/standard automobile

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...