Monday, December 3, 2012

It's right down the road from my Mars....


His big thing lately is to say “well”.  Example:  Me:  “Ford would you like some milk?”  Ford:  “Well, yes I would.”
Ford loves to talk about Heaven.  We hear something from him almost every day.  Last night as I was reading him his Bible story he said: “Momma I’m ready to go to Heaven.”  Me: “What are you going to do when you get there?”  Ford: “I’m going to give God a big hug.  Heavens a great place to go you know!”
Ford: “I’m ready to see God.”  Me:  “You will one day.  What will you tell God when you see him?”  Ford:  “I will tell him I want to stay here all night.”
 Ford calls all big trucks “beetle trucks”.
The other day we went shopping for Ford some new blue jeans since all of his looked like capri pants.  I took him in the dressing room while I was trying on some clothes.  I was feeling good about myself that day that I was back into the same old size clothes that I had worn before I got pregnant.  Before I could get too excited Ford busted my bubble by saying, “I’m being for real, you’re belly really is fat!”  Uuugghhhh that child.  I guess if I’d run that jiggle might go away!
We went to eat at a Japanese steak house last weekend.  We sat at one of the hibachi tables where they cook right in front of you.  Our cook had to go back to the kitchen to get some more chicken and Ford said,  “Do they go shopping in there?”  He thought it was like a grocery store!
The other night we were trying to get Ford to clean up.  Trey told Ford to put his army men up and he said, “I can’t because they are shooting deer on my farm.”
Puddin has been buying Ford pieces to a manger scene for the last few years.  The pieces are rubber so he can’t break them.  He had them down on the floor the other night and Trey said for him to go put them back on the table.  Trey: “Ford, the manger scene doesn’t go on your truck.”  Ford:  “Yes it does.  I need to take it to Bethlehem.”  Trey:  “Where is Bethlehem?”  Ford:  “It’s right down the road from my Mars.”
This is my personal favorites.  It’s one of those things that Ford said that makes us cringe because we have no idea where he heard this.  Scenario:  Trey is driving from Puddin and Pop’s house to our house with both boys in the truck.  John Brantley is crying because he is tired and Ford is talking nonstop because that’s what he does.  Out of nowhere Ford said, “That baby sure is damn tired!!”

John Brantley…

The sweet little man STILL won’t sleep thru the night.  I’m not sure where I am going wrong, but I have about decided he’s just spoiled rotten.  He goes to bed around 7:00 every night.  Last night he was up at 10:00.  I let him yell from 10:00-10:30.  He woke up at 1:15 and I fed him.  He woke up at 4:30 and I let him yell…he went back to sleep within 10 minutes.  Then he woke up again at 5:30.  I let him sing until 5:45.  To say I am tired is an understatement.  I had to take an hour power nap last night before bed.  After my nap I got up and did 30 minutes worth of chores and went back to bed.
Bitty is napping much better.  He sleeps from 8:00-10:00 in the mornings.  Sometimes he’s up before 10:00.  Then he naps again from 1:00-3:00.  (Sometimes it’s shorter).  Whenever I go to check on him at night or at nap time he is usually sleeping on his side and he is always going a different direction from the last time I checked.
He squeals and laughs a lot.  He likes to play on the floor.  He rolls all over the place.  He gets up in a crawling stance but doesn’t go anywhere.  He usually kicks his legs like he is swimming. 
He has about a 10 minute time capacity to do an activity and then he gets mad.  I like to confine him to his exersaucer so I can vacuum or fold some laundry.  After about 10 minutes he’s yelling and holding his arms up for me to get him.  He doesn’t reach for anyone yet, but if he wants to be held he holds his arms out.  It’s sweet.
He still doesn’t have any teeth.  He drools and puts everything in his mouth.  He loves to drink my water or eat little pieces of ice.  I guess the cold feels good on his gums.
The other night Fancy and I actually left the house to go to a function.  Since now 99% of all pictures are of our kids I thought it would be nice to have one of us….
Ford came running to join the photo shoot and we told him no that Momma and Daddy were going to take a picture.  It didn’t go over so well….
My Christmas shopping is 75% done, the Christmas cards are finished… I just have mailed them yet, and I have some presents wrapped under my tree.  Maybe this year I can “chill out” and enjoy the month of December.

1 comment:

Lauren and Nick Miller said...

Ford is hilarious & you look so pretty with your hair down!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...