Friday, December 7, 2012

Lucky Charms

How can those big cheeks and blue eyes not just steal your heart!!!!
The other night Ford and I were lying in his bed.  We said his prayers and were discussing his big day at school.  I was really talking it up.  I said, “Ford tomorrow is a BIG day!!  Y’all get to wear pajamas to school, bring your pillow, favorite blanket, and watch The Polar Express.  That sure does sound like fun.  I think I’ll go to your school in my pajamas and let you stay home and watch John Brantley.”  Ford: “Nooooo!!!  I can’t keep John Brantley.”  Me: “Why not?”  Ford:  Because I’m not a momma and I don’t breast feed!!!” ----  Needless to say, I spent the next few minutes laughing at that comment!
I was cooking supper and it was almost ready.  Ford is notorious for needing to go to the bathroom in the middle of supper.  I told him to go to the bathroom and wash his hands while I was fixing the plates.  We sat down to eat and a little bit later Trey comes home and heads for the bathroom.  He said, “Why is there a lot of toilet paper in the toilet?  It’s stopped up and won’t flush.”  I asked Ford what he had done.  Ford:  “I got a little bit of tee-tee on my leg and I had to wipe it off.”  Ummmm a half a roll later his leg sure should have been clean.  That child!!!
Wednesday, Ford’s class had pajama day.  They also got to bring their pillow and favorite animal while they enjoyed watching The Polar Express.  It was a BIG day!

I have decided I get weirder by the year.  My latest fetish is wrapping my Christmas presents in all different paper.  So far none of them are wrapped in the same paper.  Luckily, I buy paper on sale after Christmas so I have a nice supply. 

Christmas crafts…

Fancy needed a big bowl of Lucky Charms before bed the other night.  Yes, I do cook.  This wasn’t his supper!

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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