Thursday, November 29, 2012

Dejunking and Brain Surgery

I, unlike most other females in this country, don’t get on Pinterest very often.  However, about 3 weeks ago I had 10 spare minutes (rare in my life) while the boys were sleeping and I got on to see what cute Christmas activities I could do this year with my boys.  I found a picture of a Santa that you add cotton ball to each day as you count the days until the big guy comes.  Well, my Santa didn’t turn out as cute as Pinterest (go figure), but we have fun making his beard every day.
Ford is spoiled, and I mean it without hesitation.  He has more toys than any other child I have ever met in all my 30 years.  It’s not like Trey and I dote on him and buy him all this stuff either.  He loads up at Christmas time and on his birthday and he seems to acquire random stuff throughout the year.  It is seriously a problem and I feel like my house has been taken over by plastic toe-breaking objects. 
All the toys, the mess, and the constant overflow of junk got to me last weekend.  I decided it was time to make a change.  I sat Ford down and we had a talk about being thankful for what we have and I told him he had too much.  We had actually ridden by a house that burned down and I explained that the boys and girls lost all of their toys and there were other children who didn’t have toys.  He listened and agreed to help me make a pile.  He started on the pile and I finished cleaning while he was napping.  I threw 2 garbage bags away of Happy Meal toys, broken toys, or stuff that was missing parts.  I filled one garbage bag of good stuff plus another handful of larger items and we headed to Hope Ministries in town.
Trying to sit up… It doesn’t last long.
SUPER FORD…. Yes, we left the house dressed in this funky super hero attire.  He enjoyed the attention at the post office and Walgreens!
Sometimes things just DON’T go your way!
BoomPa came to visit and spend the night last night.  Ford said his name no less than 500,000 times.  He was a good sport and played on the floor with Ford and put puzzles together!!!
I stress and worry about things WELL in advance and no one knows this better than Trey.  I have been concerned about a Christmas card for a while now.  On Monday I decided I would get the boys dressed in matching outfits and we’d make an attempt.  Well, it was a FAILED attempt.  John Brantley was tired and Ford wasn’t feeling it.  My friend, Amy, let me borrow her fancy pants camera that snaps pictures really quick so I tried again on Tuesday.  I am convinced I’d be better at brain surgery than trying to get two small children to cooperate and smile at the SAME time.  Here’s how some of it went down….
Outfit change for Bitty

After 136 pictures I did get a few that I will use on my Christmas card!  Whew… Glad that’s over!

Ohhh how I love these three!!!!!!!!!!!!

See blog below….

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