Friday, August 17, 2012

A snake and an elk

As you know Ford started school on Monday.  He is going on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in the mornings.  It sure is quiet around here when he is gone.  I am able to get some important stuff done, like blogging, and John Brantley gets some extra one on one time with Momma.
This baby LOVES to chew on his hands and attempts to suck his thumb.
On Tuesday morning I got a text about 7:30 from my sister in law wanting to know if we’d meet them at the zoo.  Under normal circumstances I would have panicked and declined because I didn’t have at least 24 hours to plan, but on this day I just went with it.  I had already showered and so I thought it was doable.

I didn’t see any lions, tigers, or bears because John Brantley and I spent a lot of time trying to figure out where I could feed him.  We tried under a secluded pavilion and it was a sure fail.  The next place was the handicapped stall of the bathroom.  Now this is NOT my ideal situation AT ALL, but you take the hand you are dealt and go with it.  I sat down on the seat (after I cleaned it of course) and started feeding him.  After a few minutes I decided he needed to burp so I stood up.  Well wouldn’t you know the toilet was an automatic flusher and it went off.  John Brantley nearly jumped straight out of my arms he was so scared.  Another failed attempt.  We stayed for 3 hours and then I decided this momma needed to go.
Ford in the gopher hole. 

My child petted a SNAKE!!!!  He squealed right after of course! 
We have been “studying” at home as Ford calls it.  He has homework from his new 3K class.  They are supposed to learn to write their name.  Well, Ford can write his first name so we are practicing his last name as well.  He gets excited when I fix him a piece of paper to practice on…    

Talking to Puddin and wearing Daddy’s boots
If you remember, last September Fancy went on a red carpet ELK HUNT!  Well, we have been eating elk meat for months now, but his trophy head hadn’t been mounted and sent to us yet.  Well, it came this week and it’s huge.  The pictures don’t do it justice.  I told Trey when clients come to sit in his office they could turn around and kiss the thing!  Next time he goes he is only allowed to kill a squirrel. 

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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