Monday, August 13, 2012

The first day of 3K

The time has come… well, it already came this morning.  Some parents dread it and are sad, and others celebrate like it’s 1999.  Last week I was extremely ready for this day and then when it arrived I felt guilty; the first day of school for Ford.  I seriously can’t seem to get right!!!  I wanted Ford to go to school for many reasons: he needs to socialize, learn to share, play with others, learn how to act in a group setting, etc.  I can teach him all the things they are learning curriculum wise in the class, but he needs to get away from me and enjoy others.  Well, wouldn’t you know that this morning when I am getting dressed at 5:00 A.M. that I felt bad for sending him.  I started thinking that maybe 3 was too young, and since I was home he needed to be home.  THEN I came to my senses and decided it’s only 3 days a week until 11:30 and I was OKAY!!!  I got a lot done while he was gone, and I enjoyed the quietness.  Now JB did fuss some, but I didn’t have to hear that 3 letter word for several hours… “WHY?”.

So I got up at 5:00 and got ready and did a few household chores.  John Brantley woke up at 6:40 and ate and then I got Ford up at 7:00.  He was a little groggy when I went in his room.  I reminded him it was the first day of school and he would get to see his new friends and play with some cool toys.  He sat up and began to rub his eyes.  Then I said I even made you a special breakfast, the big cinnamon rolls.  Well, wouldn’t you know that he DIDN’T want those big cinnamon rolls he wanted the little ones (the kind that come 5 to a can with white icing).  You would have thought I killed his dog!  He pitched a royal 3 year old fit for about 5 minutes until Trey put a stop to it real quick.  We then got ready for school and took a few pictures, all the while he is telling me he doesn’t want to go to school. 

This is his I don’t want to go to school look.
But he found some toys and everything was ALRIGHT!

The time passed by rather quickly and John Brantley and I went back to get him.  He ran out of the playroom yelling, “I had a good day we can go to Make.” (That would be McDonalds.  Yes, he can say McDonalds he just likes to make up names for stuff to annoy me I think).  He did have a good day so his behavior sheet said.  I LOVE the fact that he has a behavior sheet.  I taught school for 7 years and my kids always had one every day.  He was very pleased that his worm stayed in the green apple all day and he didn’t have to move it to the yellow apple (means no candy at the end of the day) or the red apple (no candy and -5 off of playtime).  I told him he better always stay on green!!!
This is what Ford said about his day: “I had a greeeeat day!  I played.  Did my homework and studied.  I did my hand print.  Foot print.  Toenail print.  And that’s all about school. 

And with all the hype about school starting today I almost forgot that this little man is TWO months old!!!!! 
(I blogged yesterday also).

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