I really have no clue who all reads my blog. I look on the side at the tracker and wonder who in Texas, Alabama, and California etc. are reading about the Lamar’s. Sometimes I wonder if people have a false sense of who I am and who we are. This blog isn’t going to be about my boys, this part at least, but about me. I honestly need to know if I am the only wife/momma who is like this or if other people are in my same boat.
Now I have always been a pretty structured person. I like a schedule, plan, being on time, and all that good stuff. I need all of my ducks in a row to function happily if you know what I mean. Being a “new” stay at home mom has taken this to an entirely new level. One would think that since I am at home I have ALL the time in the world. WRONG! My day starts around 5:00 A.M. Sometimes it’s by choice (I need a shower) or other times it’s because John Brantley is up and ready to eat. After I shower and fix my hair into my signature pony tail, I start on my chore list. I can create a ridiculous list in my head. It’s a problem people! And I CAN’T rest until it’s done. I think I need to unload the dishwasher (which I run every single night), take out the trash, sweep the floor, dust, vacuum the rugs, change the sheets on the bed, wash towels, wash white clothes, wash dark clothes, wash the boys’ stuff in Dreft, wash Trey’s clothes, wash my clothes, water the plants, clean off the bar, bake something sweet, prepare a grocery list, organize the mess in the pantry, Swiffer the floor, wash the bath mats, cut Ford’s fingernails, feed John Brantley (which I sit in his rocker approximately 4 hours a day feeding), fill the bird feeders with food, go to the bank, post office, grocery store, cleaners, etc! I do all that kind of stuff and more every single day. The bad thing is if you came to my house it’s still a mess. Before I sat down to write this I folded a load of JB’s clothes, Ford’s clothes, started a load of my clothes, and Swiffered my kitchen floor. I think it made me feel better to Swiffer it, but there isn’t one person I America who would walk in my house and think, “WOW, she just Swiffered her floor”. No one would notice, but I think they would!!!
What I am getting at is… that I wear myself OUT! I am NOT the perfect wife, mom, daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, friend etc. I currently feel like a crazy woman who is sleep deprived and trying to keep her head on straight. I rarely sit down to rest which drives Trey insane. Today I was running on low fuel and we all 4 took a nap. I usually can’t take a nap because I feel guilty. I have “stuff” to do and I can do it while everyone else naps. I honestly need to slow down and concentrate on what is important to me. Do my boys care that I Swiffered the floor. NOPE!
I started a new Bible study and I really think it’s going to help me out a lot. So far it’s really good…

Playing in the park by our house
JB was along for the ride
So one day last week Ford decided he wasn’t going to take a nap. After we read books, played tractors, did some puzzles, practiced writing his name, and colored I was out of ideas. I decided to google “making slime”. Ford didn’t know what slime was, but he was all for it. We tried to make slime, but I didn’t have the right ingredients.
Thursday our friend Leland came over to play
And my dear Ford turned the water hose on. Needless to say, we had to put on dry clothes before his momma came back to get him!
I have started making John Brantley a quilt. I made Ford a quilt last summer and swore I’d never do it again. But, I don’t want my first child to have things that my second child didn’t have so I have begun the tedious task. It’s going a lot smoother this time since I actually have my own sewing machine and can work on it at home!
Ford had a birthday party on Saturday…
The happiest baby on the block… He seriously is thanks to ZANTAC!!
After 10 weeks I have gotten John Brantley on somewhat of a schedule. He still wakes up various times of the night to eat (which is killing me), but we have a daytime feeding schedule that I have stuck with for a week now. He eats at 8:00, 10:30ish, 12:30-1:00ish, 4:00 and 7:00. Last night he woke up to eat at 1:15 and 5:30. I can’t schedule the middle of the night feedings, but during the day has worked out nicely. I got up at 5:00 A.M. this morning to get ready for church. Early church seems to fit John Brantley’s schedule the best so we are trying to get there on time! Trying was the key word. Before church I took a few pictures of my boys….
And this picture is for my family…. Do you like the shirts!!!!!!???????