Tuesday, August 21, 2012

They look alike

I think it is important to write down stuff about my boys that I “think” I will remember, but in all actuality I won’t.  I print out my blog books each year and love looking back at all the sweet memories.  There are so many things that I wrote about and pictures that I took that have faded from my memory.  So, to some this stuff won’t mean much and you might want to skip right over the typing and just look at the pictures.

Things about John Brantley....
He goes to bed at 7:00 P.M. by his own choice.
When he gets tired or upset his eye lids turn red.
He isn’t sleeping through the night.  He “normally” wakes up once, but lately it’s been 2 times (since his shots last week).
John Brantley LOVES to cuddle and be held.  If I would walk around holding him all day or just rock him he would be so happy.
He HATES tummy time and riding in the car.  Maybe one day we can ride more than 5 minutes before he screams like a mad man.
When something doesn’t go his way he pouts.  I do mean it too.  He sticks that little bottom lip out and it’s the most pitiful, yet precious thing I have ever seen.  I imagine he will be getting his way a lot using that bottom lip like that!
He hated the swing the first few weeks of life, but fortunately he tolerates it now and will actually nap in there on occasion. 
We have had major issues with his skin peeling off on his head.  It looks like dandruff.  I am constantly brushing or picking it out.  I remember Ford went through this for several weeks as well.
The doctor finally gave John Brantley some Zantac.  He has had a lot of problems with spitting up and going to the bathroom.  I pray it works.
He is a major flirt!!!  If you talk to him he will smile and coo back at you.  He gets teased and will put his head on my shoulder when we talk some too.

John Brantley has several nicknames:  Toto, Chevy, Little Flirt, Little Dude, JB
He loves to grab my shirt or hair.  I guess I am going to have to be careful with my big earrings.
He constantly has the hiccups.
He found his hands a few weeks ago and constantly eats them.  He might be a thumb sucker.
Delta seems to like JB.  She lies outside his door most of the day.  If I am feeding John Brantley she is on the rug guarding the door.
He has blue eyes.

Doing his homework…

Things about Ford….
He has begun to claim he is scared of the dark and is afraid to sleep in his bed.  This is a new development that began after our vacation to the beach.  I am assuming since he slept in the bed with us it has ruined him.
Ford can write his first and last name and say the pledge of allegiance.  He messes up a few words here and there in the pledge but it’s so cute!
He has been trying to cut out taking naps lately and I don’t approve one bit!  It’s easier to get him to bed at night, but during the week this momma needs some alone time. 
He loves to eat shredded cheddar cheese from the bag, lunchables, and the squeeze apple sauce fruit packs.
He is obsessed with Elton John’s song “Crocodile Rock”.  He likes to watch him sing it on YouTube using our phones.  The other day Trey was in a meeting and his phone randomly went off singing Crocodile Rock.  He was embarrassed.
Thank goodness for OnDemand TV shows.  While I am feeding John Brantley I put Ford in the living room and he watches Mickey Mouse Club House.
He talks using double negatives… Example: I don’t want no bread.  I correct him a lot, but then again it’s so funny I just let him get away with it.
He likes to go to Puddin and Pop’s house and sit on the 4 wheelers and riding lawn mower and “pretend” to drive them.
When we go to Wal-Mart he likes to browse the toy section.  We always have to go see the battery operated cars because he wants the blue 4 wheeler.  He doesn’t understand WHY he can’t have it and I tried to explain that you don’t just buy $219.00 toys for the heck of it!
Ever since we have come back from Florida he has talked about going to the beach.  He wants to know how many days it’ll be until we go back to the beach.

I love a Saturday afternoon activity.  This past weekend we went to Oxford to “Meet the Rebels”.  We missed the scrimmage, but made it there by 11:30 to the indoor practice facility.  There were lots of people there wanting to get autographs.  We mostly went to get out of the house.  Ford went straight for the bouncy house.  He got upset later when some big kids wouldn’t let him do what he wanted to do.  John Brantley slept the entire time.  Gran, BoomPa, Uncle Ken, Aunt Ashley, Molly Cate, Caroline, and Jack came too.

After Meet the Rebels we came home and Ford went to a birthday party.  He had a BIG day!

When Ford was a baby I took him to Daddy’s office and the ladies put him in Pop’s chair with his ear piece on.  They have been asking me to do the same with John Brantley so I did last week. 
Here is Ford….
This is John Brantley…

I think my babies look A LOT alike.  Ford definitely had more hair than John Brantley, but there is definitely a close resemblance. 

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