Sunday, May 13, 2012

Let’s Get Real: Part 2

Before I begin please do not read this as Jill Lamar hates her life and she is complaining about being pregnant.  I am not “complaining” about being pregnant I am merely documenting my thoughts and feelings thus far.  After all, this is my blog and I am writing this to remember things for the future.

I know that no two pregnancies are the same.  AMEN… I am proof of that.  Ford’s pregnancy was a breeze.  I honestly think I was only tired with him and got a little swollen towards the end.  Round two is another story.  I feel extremely obese and even think my ear lobes might be beginning to swell.  The simple act of bending over is a major challenge.  One morning in the shower I was “attempting” to wash my legs and realized that it’s not so easy to bend and wash those things anymore.  I have developed a hernia, the baby is STILL on my sciatic nerve (shoot me now), and apparently after talking to the doctor I have a little carpal tunnel syndrome.   I have googled that and it is common in pregnancy which makes me feel better.  Hopefully the numbness and tingling I feel in my arms and legs several times a day will eventually go away.  My stomach is so tight I often times think that my skin is going to rip open and out will POP John Brantley.  I miss the simple act of lying on my stomach to sleep and doing small tasks without feeling like I have run a 5K.  He is the most active child I think God has ever but inside a uterus.  His movements are so big and strong that they literally hurt me.

People who are forgetful truly annoy me.  I would like to think under normal conditions (being not pregnant) that I am reliable and a very scheduled person.  I have just never been able to relate to people who “don’t get it”.  Well, apparently I fit into their group somewhat now.  The other afternoon Ford and I were playing inside after school.  It started to rain and I asked him if he wanted to go sit outside, eat a popsicle, and watch it rain.  He thought it was a swell idea and off we went.  We were in deep conversation about the usual, tractors, all the while I am thinking this child needs a haircut.  Within seconds I jumped and screamed, “We’re late!”  Oh we sure were late.  We were one whole hour late for his haircut appointment.  All I could do was apologize and claim ignorance for missing it.  Luckily she still squeezed us in.

I also think that it should be a law that you must remain with your buggie at ALL times while in Wal-Mart.  I really don’t like going to that store, but when you throw in all these people who abandon their carts so that I can’t get through I get very frustrated.  I am not the smartest human being for going on Saturdays anyway.  I am afraid that my pregnancy Wal-Mart rage might come out on someone one day.  I pray it doesn’t.  Under normal circumstances I would be just be annoyed and not vocal… but it might happen.

Enough complaining/venting/or relieving of my frustrations… 

Yesterday was a busy day.  We had Mayfair in Mayberry, 2 birthday parties, and an engagement bbq deal.  My doctor would be soooo proud that I am not obeying her orders of resting.  The lady already told me to quit work a week ago and I didn’t and now I am running all over tarnation doing as I please.  ToTo will come when he wants regardless. 

While at Mayfair a man stopped us and asked to draw Ford’s picture.  I wasn’t interested and then he said he’d only charge me $10.00.  It turned out pretty cute….

He looks ticked in the picture.  He wasn’t exactly fired up about sitting there for 10 minutes.  He desperately wanted to get back to the bouncy houses.  And like any good mother I bribed him with getting to play some more if he’d sit still. 

Thursday he had the stomach bug for 6 hours straight.  It was fantastic.  I was sure I’d get it and go into early labor.  Thankfully, the Lord spared Trey and me from the virus.  I don’t think I could have coped with that and all my other issues.  We have less than 6 weeks until John Brantley arrives.  Honestly, I think it could be any day, and apparently others do too based on the way they look at me!!!  We will see….   

1 comment:

Kim Sandidge said...

God I love reading your stories... they crack me up! Glad to know I am not the only OCD person that has so many pet peaves. I am a very strict parent on Emerson and I get slack for it sometimes, but we have to have schedule and order in my life... lol
If you ever come back to Jackson or Clinton, I would love to meet up and have lunch one day. Good luck on the rest of your pregnacy. You need to post pics of his nursery all done!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...