Thursday, May 31, 2012

Crocodile Rock, walla walla

I have officially been out of school for a week now.  I have not been resting a bit.  I have cleaned the house multiple times even though you can’t tell.  I have cooked and frozen two casseroles, organized my pantry, cleaned out Ford’s closet, washed my car, bathed the dog, run numerous errands, bought Father’s Day gifts, run my washing machine anywhere from 2-5 times a day, packed my bags, John Brantley’s bags, and Ford’s bag, and driven myself nearly crazy anticipating the arrival of JB.  Today I basically said forget this mess and I actually took a nap.  Trey NEVER comes home during the day and the one time I lie down to take a nap he comes home and wakes me up.  At least I tried.

Ford is taking swimming lessons this week.  The child is NOT scared of the water.  He has three other kids in his class.  While I sat out there on day #2 watching and listening to my child I felt compelled to text message his school teachers.  I said, “Ford is taking swimming lessons this week.  He is having a hard time being patient and waiting his turn.  I am having glimpses of what you must have dealt with all year.  I’m sorry.”  He is VERY eager to volunteer his services screaming, “Mrs. Lauren, I’ll do it!”  He loves to jump off the diving board and tells her to back up.  Most kids are begging and pleading for people to come closer.  Now he can’t really swim but a tiny bit on his own, but he is making lots of progress.   

Ford loves Bob the Builder.  He has one video that plays the Elton John song called “Crocodile Rock”.  The other day it came on the radio and he quickly recognized it and said it was his Bob song.  When it went off the radio he wanted to hear it again.  I tried to explain that only certain things come on at certain times.  The concept just wasn’t hitting home with Ford.  Luckily I have graduated to the newest forms of technology and have an IPhone.  I typed in Elton John and found his song.  Today he listened to it for 25 minutes straight in the car on the way home from my doctor appointment.  He was basically screaming, “Crocodile Rock, walla walla.”  He has no clue what any of the words are, but he loves it.
My 37 week appointment was today.  I haven’t progressed since last week.  I was actually a little shocked.  She told me I only gained a 0.5 a pound.  So that puts me at 39.5 pounds.  If I am going to be obese I might as well do it right and say I have gained a good 40, but I am NOT there yet my friends.  I bet next week I will have exceeded it by a long shot!
Haircut time… the child has probably had 20 haircuts by now…

Ford is obsessed with puzzles.  We have many at our house.  Being that he is obsessed with tractors and farm type stuff his favorite puzzle is a 60 piece “tractor puzzle”.  He can put it together all by himself.  It’s impressive.  I am not a fan of puzzles, but if he enjoys them then we will put the suckers together as much as he wants to. 

Out shopping and trying on new shoes.  No, I did not buy those.  They are more of Ford’s speed than mine!
Helping Daddy fill up buckets at the property to water the trees they planted. 
Fixing his hair for the day 
Nap time.  Ohhh I do love nap time.  Yes, I still let my child have a paci.  We are down to just ONE, and he can only have it in the bed.  Such a sweet and peaceful looking little guy.    

Last weekend Trey went on a man trip to St Louis with some buddies for a bachelor party.  I told him he was BRAVE for going and if I went into labor I would only call once and if he missed it then he missed it.  He then expressed to me how kind and loving I was.  I thought he had some nerve going 5 hours away with me being as pregnant as I am, but he went.  Lucky for him he didn’t miss anything.  Not to be worried that I was here alone….OH NO!!  I had not one but two babysitters for the weekend.  Gran and BoomPa came down to watch my every move and make sure I didn’t need a lift to the hospital.  I tried to convince everyone that I would be fine, but had no such luck.  As for now we are still waiting.  I decided today (or I think I did) that this whole labor deal is completely out of my hands.  I have got to stop obsessing about it and focus on the present and not what might happen in the middle of the night.  I am trying to be a fun momma to Ford since I know I won’t be much fun for a few weeks after John Brantley gets here.  Pray for me.  I am NOT the patient, sit back and relax type of girl.

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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