Thursday, March 15, 2012

Psyched up to fail

There really aren’t words strong enough to express how much I love spring break.  I have not rested for one minute thus far, but it has been relaxing. 
Monday morning Ford, Gran, and I left for Jackson.  As soon as we got in the car Ford asked, “Momma, are we packed in here like sardines?”  I laughed and told him we were.  He literally talked the entire trip to Jackson.  We got there a little before lunch and visited with my grandparents and then had lunch at Keifer’s with my friend, Taylor.  After lunch it was nap time.  When Ford got up we went to Lowe’s to buy some blinds for Toto’s room.  The lady had to cut the blinds for us and Ford couldn’t stand the sound so we rode tractors while we waited.  Then we went to Baby’s R Us and bought a bath sling for Toto. 
Monday night Phillip Gunn, the speaker of the house, and his wife had us and two other couples over for dinner.  They had a lovely home with a closet in their bedroom that I am putting on my wish list when we build a house.
Tuesday morning Ford and I left bright and early to head to Hattiesburg.  We met my friend, Jamie, and her little boy at Chick Fil A and then did minimal Target shopping.  We were also able to get together with my friend, Katie, and her girls and Stephanie and her daughter.  It was so fun to see us all together with our babies now.
I couldn’t sleep while in the Burg so Ford and I were headed out at 8:00 A.M. en route back to Jackson.  Our first stop was at the Supreme Court building to see Justice Puddin. 
Ford and Puddin looking out the window at the capitol.

Then Trey insisted that we come to see him at the capitol.  I was really nervous about taking Ford over there because you really never know how he will act.  We were nicely surprised with his behavior.  He was very personable and shook hands with lots of people, asked them for their candy, generously took all their junk off their hands, and then we left after he busted his leg on a chair and started screaming bloody murder.  Other than the screaming it was a lovely visit. 
After the performance put on at the capitol we ate lunch with Puddin at Two Sisters, napped, and then did some more shopping.  I discovered a place that I LOVE, The FatCake Guy.  He is located on Lakeland and has fabulous desserts.
Wednesday night we went to Clinton to eat with some friends.  We hadn’t seen them in several years (almost 5) but since I read their blog I felt right up to speed with all the happenings in their life.  Our boys share a love of tractors and talking and they had a great time. 
Ford and I slept until 8:00 this morning and then went to my grandparent’s house to visit some more.  Their house is like a museum of breakable trinkets and I was a nervous wreck 90% of the time.  Ford did enjoy listening to the clock bong and the sweet tarts they had waiting on him. 
He about drove my grandfather, and his name sake, crazy playing on his walker. 
Ford and Granddaddy… 
Ford and Grandmother… 
Ford and Gran…
Ford and Big Belly (how he refers to me now)….

So some of you may be wondering why the title of my blog is “psyched up to fail.”…  I am scheduled to have my glucose (diabetes) testing tomorrow.  When I had the test with Ford I never for one minute thought I would fail the test.  Well, guess what…. I did.  I was completely blown away when the nurse came back and said I failed.  I was then scheduled to go to the hospital the next day for the 4 hour diabetes testing.  People, it was BAD!!!  I actually enjoyed drinking the stuff because I was so hungry, but could NOT stand the nurse sticking me in the arm 4 times to take my blood.  I considered hitting her it hurt so badly.  Fortunately, I didn’t have diabetes but just a scare.
So tomorrow is the big day…. I am not feeling positive about the outcome.

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Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

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