Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Chalk Paint, Twins, and Newt

Toto’s room is coming along nicely.  I bought two pieces of furniture for his room.  I got a pretty big dresser and a small dresser which are both being painted with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint by Puddin.  They look so good.  I will post before and after pictures this weekend when they are complete.  Ford enjoyed helping paint too.
He was very unsure about the sander until he realized it wouldn’t hurt him and then he definitely needed to give it a try. 
We spent a lot of time at Puddin and Pop’s house this weekend.  Ford also assisted when Bo needed to get his hair brushed. 
We also spent some time at our property looking around and watering the trees we planted. 

I am 26.5 weeks along now.  Toto still doesn’t have a name and I am not quite sure if he ever will.  Either Trey doesn’t want to talk about names or he and I can’t agree.  He keeps bringing up the same choices and I keep shooting them down.  When he asks for my input I don’t have a lot to offer and what I do give is shot down by him.  So, Toto’s room will pretty much be complete this weekend and the baby still doesn’t have an official name!
“I think” I did pretty well with my baby weight and pregnancy up until a few weeks ago.  I am 6 months pregnant and today I must have looked 9.  I was told by several students and even some adults at school that I looked like I might be carrying twins.  I guess all those Girl Scout Cookies weren’t a good idea after all!!!
I have a pregnancy question for some of you mommas out there.  I didn’t have this problem when I was pregnant with Ford, but now I have extremely dry eyes at night.  I am waking up 2-4 times a night to go to the bathroom.  When I wake up it is almost impossible for me to open my eyes.  They are so dry it is painful.  I don’t own any Visine so I have been squirting contact solution in my eyes so I can see.  Is this normal???

Newt came to the Capitol a few weeks ago and the Gentleman from Tate County (Trey) got to take his picture with the big man!!!

Stay tuned for pictures from Toto’s room….


Lauren and Nick Miller said...

I LOVE chalk paint. It's awesome!!

heatherstockett said...

You are SO cute! Don't let anyone make you feel badly. If they do, I'll punch them in the face and then eat some Girl Scout cookies with you.

Kim Sandidge said...

I had dry eyes too. Do not use Visine because it will dry them out more, my doctor said to use straight saline solution. We are peeing a lot more and the baby is sucking everything out of you, so drink as much water as possible!

Anonymous said...

Saline can dry out your eyes. I never had a problem until I got pregnant and now I can't even use saline. I have to use daily lenses and preservative free drops. My son is five and this all started when he was in my belly:)

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...