Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Strap 'em on

Well, it’s official.  The time is here.  No, I have not lost my mind, yet, but Trey is now officially “The Gentleman from Tate County”.
 After months of discussion of if he should or should not run for office we, after much prayer, decided he should run for State Representative.  We then sweated out a few months of who our opponent would be and to our great fortune it was no one!!  That is almost unheard of especially when the incumbent is leaving office.  The seat was vacant and no one but Trey stepped up to the plate!!  I, of course, then stressed over schedules dealing with my child and we have found a wonderful young high school girl to come and take Ford to school every day since I have to be at work so early.  Things are settling in to place.
We headed down to Jackson yesterday after work.  This morning BoomPa, Gran, Ford, and I stopped to check out the Supreme Court Building.  My parents hadn’t seen the new building.    

Noon was the time of the swearing in ceremony at the State Capitol.  We knew lots of people would be there so we headed over early.     
Ford and BoomPa

He doesn’t always cooperate.
It’s hard on a little fella to sit and wait for 30 minutes…

We were all called to order by Delbert Hoseman, Secretary of State, and then led in two prayers.  Next, a lady called attendance.  She would say “District #1 Smith, District # 2 Jones ( I am making these names up)… District #8 Lamar!!!!  After many, many names had been called I poked Trey and asked just how many Representatives there were.  I was told 122.  Lastly, the Representatives took the oath of office.    
The entire thing lasted about twenty minutes.  The longest part was listening to all 122 names being called out.  During that time I had my snazzy new phone out showing Ford some clips of 4-wheelers riding in the mud on You Tube.  Don’t judge me… it was a brilliant idea to keep a 2 year old quiet!      

As soon as all the Representatives took the oath of office everyone else was asked to leave.  It was kind of sad.  I hugged Trey goodbye, told him I would see him Friday, and we went to eat.  Poor Ford just doesn’t have a clue.  When we made it back to Mayberry he got all excited thinking Daddy was at home.  He was stuck with mean old momma!

I got a little sad when I got home and realized that I wasn’t going to hear squeaky brakes pulling in the car port at supper time tonight.  Ford was acting up pretty badly late this afternoon and I had a small melt down.  I think part of it was these TERRIBLE pregnancy hormones I have going on.  I really am not a crier.  I like to think I am tough.  I am probably not quite as tough as I would like for people to think that I am though.  I decided after my little spell that I needed to pull it together and STRAP ON MY BIG GIRL PANTS!  I have the next 4 months ahead of me.  I can make the best of it or the worst of it.  I am choosing to make the best of it.  Trey has been given an amazing opportunity and I am so excited for him and pray that this will be a wonderful experience. 
I have to realize that I am not the only mom who is at home with a child alone.  My own mother went through this type of experience.  No, my dad wasn’t in politics, but he is a banker which caused us to move quite a bit.  We moved from Carthage, MS to Hernando, MS and he was gone for 8 months.  We moved from Hernando, MS to West Point, MS and he was gone for 3 months.  We moved from West Point, MS to Southaven, MS and he was gone for 5 months.  We moved from Southaven, MS to Hattiesburg, MS and it was only 2 weeks.  Now they don’t even live in Hattiesburg anymore, but Olive Branch.  My mom is an amazingly strong woman.  If she could do it all those times with two kiddos I can manage 4 months with one!
I do welcome your prayers and home cooked meals delivered to my door!!!  Seriously, Ford and I will be okay.  We need to get used to our new normal and we can’t wait to see our Daddy on Friday.
P.S.  I am so glad he doesn’t have the mustache anymore!

1 comment:

heatherstockett said...

Prayers coming your way! I know that's got to be hard!

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...