Saturday, December 31, 2011

Him vs. Me

It really is amazing how things change over the years.  Nine years ago I was with all my Tri Delta friends our sophomore year of college headed to Memphis, TN to enjoy a night on Beale Street for New Year’s Eve.  Yes, I was under the age of 21, but we all made our way into a bar and that is where I met “him”.  Yes, Trey Lamar.  He was there too in his rain jacket under the huge tent at Silky’s.
 As I think back to that night I would lie down on the floor and pitch a two year old fit if someone told me I had to go to Beale Street right now.  I am so glad I was there that night and I was introduced to my husband.  The funny thing is, I knew I would marry him right away.  I went home after that lovely trip and told one of my best friends that I had met the man I was going to marry and she didn’t believe me.  She didn’t believe me for many reasons.  I had only had two boyfriends in all the years she had known me, I was beyond picky, and she knew that after a week or two I would drop him like a fly.  I even remember telling my mom about how wonderful I thought he was and she responded with, “I hope he doesn’t call too much.”  She knew the drill.  If they acted too interested I was done.  I told her, “Mom, I don’t think this one can call too much.”  I actually called him first and he didn’t answer.  I remember being so mad at myself for calling him after that.  He called back later and said he had been hunting. 
Well, 9 years later here we are.  I am living in Mayberry with Trey Lamar, aka the Gentleman from Tate County (as he will be known in Jackson), with one beautiful baby boy and Toto on the way.  Life is Grand.  Trey and I are very different people… Here are some examples…
I am extremely literal.  If I say we are going to eat at 5:58 I promise I will be at the table at that time.  Trey will come home at 6:15 and wonder why we have already eaten.  If I am driving down the road and he calls and asks where I am I could say at the Shell across from People’s Bank.  If I asked him the same question he might be at Wal-Mart but tell me he is about to pull in the driveway.
Trey is beyond organized.  It’s almost OCD.  His closet is color coordinated.  His shirts are all hung the same way and finger spaced.  My closet looks like a robber came through and threw clothes every direction possible.  Trey has all of his shoes neatly placed or on shoe racks and mine are chunked on the floor in a wad.
I always order the same thing at a restaurant.  If I find something good I like to stick with it.  I usually never need a menu.  Trey takes his time carefully examining the choices.  He also likes to hear the specials and will ask the waiter what he or she would recommend.  I don’t trust what someone would say because I am too picky. 
He likes to set his alarm to go off multiple times before he gets out of bed.  He says it helps him to wake up.  The alarm clock going off to me is a sign of pure annoyance and I jump up immediately. 
I am very scheduled orientated and love to know plans and details.  I can relax a lot more if I know what to expect.  It has become MUCH worse since having a child.  I must schedule things around a nap and meal times.  Trey is a fly by the seat of your pants kind of person.  He has no regard to a schedule.  When he is ready to do something he goes with it.  I wish I could be more relaxed, but God made me Type A.
Trey likes to read.   I don’t.  (I hope no one from school finds this out since I am the Accelerated Reader (A.R.) chairman!!!)
I like the norm.  Change is not good for me.  I can get stuck in a rut from doing the same thing over and over again.  Trey isn’t scared of a challenge… hence going to Jackson for 4 months.  There is NO WAY possible I could swing something like that.  I like my comfort zone. 
Trey likes country music.  Listening to music about people’s mommas, drinking cold beer on the front porch, and fishing makes my skin crawl. 
I hate to read directions or instructions.  Better yet, I refuse to.  If something that requires assembly or deep concentration needs to be done around here and I am in charge it isn’t going to happen.  Trey will sit and meticulously figure it out.  I would hire someone to help me!
I like to go to bed early.  Trey likes to stay up late.  I often find him asleep on the couch with the TV on when I get up for my multiple bathroom trips at night. 
I love playing practical jokes, acting silly, singing and dancing around, making weird faces etc.  Trey is much too sophisticated for such and asks me why I act the way I do.  He also requests that I act normal.  He is often the target of my weirdness! 
Trey likes to recycle.  I am not referring to recycling paper, plastic, or glass.  I mean his clothes.  He will wear a shirt or pants and has no problem hanging it back up to wear again at a later date.  Not I.  Even if I wear something for an hour or two it’s going to be washed. 
I don’t plan for the future.  Trey plans for the future.  His wheels are constantly spinning and he has new ideas for me all the time.  My mind doesn’t think that way.  He also likes to tell me how our house should be decorated differently.  He hates the pictures in our dining room and requests that I buy some new ones.  I would rather hire a personal shopper. 
Trey thinks all meals need something green on the plate.  I think all meals need some good starches! 
Trey likes the cold weather.  I prefer summer.  He likes vanilla.  I like chocolate.  He likes suspense and hard to figure out movies.  I like romance and comedy. 
As you can see, we are very different people.  I could also spend a long time telling you the many ways we are alike.  I guess opposites really do attract.  I am glad Trey was attracted to me some 9 years ago and has continued to put up with me all this time.  I am anxious to see what the future holds for us and our family.   Thanks for a great 3,285 days!  I love you!!!!!

1 comment:

Lauren and Nick Miller said...

I loved this post! I would probably throw a fit too if I had to go to Beall St.;)

Jackson, Wyoming, Part 3

Friday we went on a a snowmobile tour.   Again, it was freezing!!!!! After a 25 minute ride, we got off the snowmobiles and walked to a natu...